A List Of The WORST Anime Fanbases And Fandoms Of All Time scaled

A List Of The WORST Anime Fanbases (And Fandoms) Of All Time

There’s one thing about the anime community that makes it so toxic: fanbases and fandoms.

I’ve had my fair share of criticism, trolls and straight up hatred from these fandoms. All because I have an opinion that’s unpopular and doesn’t stroke their fragile egos.

I’m sure you as an anime fan have dealt with similar things in the community, assuming you’re not an impulsive idiot who thinks the world shines out your rear-end.

nichijou sigh gif

But with that said, these are the most toxic (and worst) anime fanbases I’ve come across in anime.

There are others, but the fandoms I’ve mentioned here are so big it makes any smaller communities irrelevant.


1. Dragon Ball Z

goku super saiyan blonde

I’m the BIGGEST fan of Dragon Ball Z and the whole franchise in general. So that tells you how much of an awful fanbase DBZ has since I’m willing to admit how bad it is.

Not everyone is a demon in the DBZ fandom, I’m proof of that. I’m not gonna bash you over the head with criticism and call you a piece of sh*t for disliking DBZ or what it represents.

That’s not my style and that line of thinking is for idiots anyway. But this happens A LOT in the DBZ community online.

goku ss charging up

Usually, it comes down to arguments that can never reach a conclusion. Ya know, like “Goku is the strongest anime character in the universe” and sh*t like that.

Being an innovator in the Shounen genre and being the anime to start the trend, I guess people get overprotective like an insecure mother. But it is what it is.

That’s why some fans avoid DBZ all together.

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2. Death Note

misa L and light yagami

Death Note is an anime I watched earlier THIS year or sometime last year. I put it off for years because I got sick of hearing about how “good” it is.

Before watching it though, I noticed every time I never mentioned Death Note in a list of “good” anime, the fanbase would pull out their baseball bats and start swinging at me. As if to say “how DARE you not praise Death Note, you little c*nt.”

death note anime L and kira e1569605005900

And even though I think Death Note is an absolute masterpiece since watching it, the fanbase is awful.

Maybe not 100%, but it’s still obnoxious and full of f*cking snobs who act like hurt 6 year old children.


3. Naruto

naruto stupid face

Naruto has a more “cult” following by far.

Ignoring that for a second, It’s shocking how many sensitive teddy bears are running around in the Naruto community.

It’s almost comparable to the Alphabet Mob who get bent out of shape when they feel “offended”.

naruto kid anime

You can’t mention a Shounen, a classic, or a “successful” anime series without the Naruto mob bursting through your door and demanding you respect it.

Especially if you’re not a fan of Naruto or you don’t “include” it in your list of the best anime of all time.


4. Hunter x Hunter

hunter x hunter anime series

Hunter x Hunter is like a “tame” version of the Naruto fanbase. Or at least the “toxic” side of the fandom.

Hunter x Hunter isn’t as famous or so called “successful” as anime like Naruto or DBZ. But it’s an underground classic with a STRONG following who swear it’s a masterpiece in its own right.

gon hunter x hunter

For an anime like Hunter x Hunter that doesn’t get “praise” compared to more famous Shounen, I can understand the annoyance of it not always being acknowledged.

But even still – is that a reason to sh*t on other anime fans for disagreeing with you?


5. Steins Gate

steins gate anime cover 1

Steins Gate is another underground classic that “looks” mainstream but for some reason, it doesn’t feel mainstream.

And that’s despite its crazy following and undeniable success (plus high ratings on plenty of websites).

One thing I praise about Steins Gate is how different it looks and feels for an anime. You can look at it and automatically see there’s no anime out there that can go head to head for what it does.

steins gate mayuri and okabe

But that doesn’t mean I rate it like that. I feel like it’s overrated actually.

And as expected with these types of anime, the toxic fanbase has their guns ready to shoot down anyone who dares to disagree.


6. Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure

YouTube video

Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure is an anime I never knew existed until a few years ago. But now that I know better, I’ve realized how much of a pioneer it is in the anime industry.

I mean – a lot of references in tons and tons of anime are taken from Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure. And a lot of the modern styles, features and quirks you see in anime today were inspired by Jojo.

jojos bizarre adventure anime

A lot of the time you won’t even know Jojo is the inspiration behind an anime (if you’re under 20 years old). But it’s true.

It’s an underground legend that’s overshadowed by mainstream anime.

That’s the reason the fanbase is so ruthless, emotional, and confrontational when trying to shove their opinions down your throat.

I’m amazed at how Jojo’s fanbase has reacted to what I have to say if they feel like Jojo should have been a part of the conversation.


7. One Punch Man

YouTube video

One Punch Man isn’t Shounen, but it’s weaved its way into the Shounen genre because of the themes it portrays.

One Punch Man is exactly that: a protagonist who crushes his opponents in ONE punch. This fact has given birth to dozens of memes and heated arguments online.

saitama 2015

The main argument is of course bias, because the logic is Saitama can defeat anyone. Including characters like Goku because he’s “designed” that way.

I’m not here to get into the politics, but I’ve run into so many social justice warriors in the OPM community to know how toxic it gets.

Surely we can all argue with each other, WITHOUT being a d*ck and acting like a spoilt little sh*t. Or is that too much to ask?


8. My Hero Academia

deku and bakugo kids

My Hero Academia is one of the most accomplished anime of the last decade. And I don’t say that because I’m a fan of it (which surprised me), but because the success speaks for itself.

Ever since it dropped in 2016 the hype, the following, and its ability to convert NEW fans to the industry is special.

It’s a breath of fresh air for the Shounen genre.

my hero academia deku and kachan

And even though I say that the MHA community CAN be one of the worst at times.

Blame it on passion. Blame it on ego. But whatever you blame it on, we can all agree bashing each other over the head is stupid in the grand scheme of things. Especially when your argument holds no value or logic.

Or in other words: you’re being a fanboy for fanboy’s sake.


9. Neon Genesis Evangelion

YouTube video

Neon Genesis Evangelion is the last Naruto.

NGE is a pioneer in the anime industry, no different to Steins Gate. But Neon Genesis Evangelion is one of the reasons the MECHA genre blew up in the early days of anime.

neon genesis evangelion characters listening to music

Gundam came first, but Neon Genesis Evangelion made Mecha “famous”. And not for reasons that are obvious or related to robots necessarily.

Either way – the anime fanbase for this reason (not everyone) gets bent out of shape when you don’t praise it for being a “good” Mecha series.

But I guess this is a thing with anime shows like this.


10. RWBY

rwby volume 7

RWBY is an American anime that’s been accepted by people in the Japanese anime industry. It’s solidified.

As an anime outside of Japan that’s managed to build up a massive fanbase, it comes with TOXIC fans.

On November 6th 2019 – someone in the RWBY community made up a “suicide” story for the sake of attention, likes and retweets.

Her intent was to “sh*t” on other people in the RWBY community.

It worked.

On November 7th 2019 it was proven to be a HOAX.

The sad thing is – it fooled a LOT of people. But what’s worse is how someone was even willing to go to these lengths in the first place.

YouTube video

RWBY’s toxic fandom is well documented, so it’s unsurprising why I’ve added it to this list of the WORST anime fanbases.


Have you noticed the trend yet?

The more “religious” the fanbase is about an anime they love, the more sensitive, emotional and senseless they become.

It’s always with the type of anime that is supernatural, Shounen or has some type of “deep” element that makes it shine. For one reason or another.

Romance, slice of life or comedy doesn’t have fanbases half as bad as the anime on this list. If at all.

So I guess it’s a result of passion for an anime series running deeper than usual.



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103 thoughts on “A List Of The WORST Anime Fanbases (And Fandoms) Of All Time

  1. Max says:

    While i do agree that the one piece fans are trash, tho i think MHA is far worse, but what i’ve seen is that mot one piece fans are stating that the manga is perfection, which it isn’t it’s good but definetely isn’t the best, a lot of the one piece fans i’ve encountered really don’t think the anime holds a candle to some other anime out their. But again i definetely agree that they can get way too toxic, especially the zoro fandom.

    • luffy says:

      one piece fandom appreciate every single character from one piece. We respect all by hearts we are the best fandom ever exist

      • Anime Watcher cause fandoms are to toxic says:

        See this isn’t what the author meant hating on each other for having an opinion I don’t disagree with your opinion neither do I agree you don’t have to agree with all peoples opinions and if you feel like making a statement and how you see they’re wrong go ahead just try and make it nice

        • Niosdeluxe says:

          One piece Fandom just say it’s the greatest just to get people to watch it. I don’t think it’s a bad thing cause I know that they kniw it’s not the absolute best but it’s a hell of a roller coaster. Especially since all they want is more people to watch the show cause it is good.

          • Abdus says:

            The “best” is a very subjective term and depends entirely on what the person wants to see. I personally love One Piece but I can understand why some people may not. To me, it’s probably the greatest adventure shonen, but it lacks in aspects like fighting and choreography (especially in the early episodes).

  2. Sempai says:

    I am in awe of some of the people in the comments on how “BNHA has the worst fanbase but HxH is the best anime”, WHO CARES?? WE ALL ENJOY THE SAME THING, AND THAT’S ALL THAT MATTERS, we should be coming together BECAUSE we like the same thing, not HATING each other just because we like a different ANIME, HxH is my favorite anime, but I refuse to hate on other anime fans, and even the show that they like just because they don’t like HxH, its dumb, grow up.

  3. monkeydluffy says:

    bnha obviously has to have the worst fandom one of the reasons being they sent death threats to Kōhei Horikoshi(creator of bnha ) just because of some silly gay ship but also to cancel mineta (the funniest guy in bnha) just for being a perv

    • Sempai says:

      True, people don’t realize that Mineta is pretty much the same as Denki, the only difference is that Denki is considered hot

  4. Mr D00dzoid says:

    DBZ the trendsetter of Shonen anime? Lmfao! It wasn’t even the first battle Shonen in Jump magazine…

  5. Bakuhoe says:

    The MHA fandom is SOOOOO toxic, people be shipping deku and all might. bye. also I’ve seen Eri and Deku being shipped and thats uhhhh nope

    • Luck Voltia's dead rat says:

      Exactly they’re sexualizing 15 year old boys and making them gay when they’re obv heterosexual, and some of the worst ones put their period blood on the characters.

      • Sebastian says:

        Now that is VERY disgusting. As part of the MHA/BNHA Fandom I can say this is true and it is VERY disturbing because the author of MHA has stated that Midoriya is in fact Straight but some fans get VERY offended by this idk why but they just do and it just makes the whole fandom look bad and toxic even when there are fans who are good the toxic ones always ruin it for us… T-T

  6. pretty cool says:

    I don’t know why attack on titan isn’t here. They’re worse than JoJo fans, and it’s honestly cringe how much they overrate that show. It’s like an 8/10 ngl. It’s good but the fans are honestly the only reason I don’t wanna continue it.

    • Thomas Mackinnon says:

      personally dont think its the worst but i think it is really one of the top 3 worst fanbase of anime

    • Devil gamer says:

      I mean they ship characters that make no sense at all, like Midoriya is straight and have a crush on uraraka while she also have a crush on midoriya,

    • Sebastian says:

      Some fans just SOME fans aren’t toxic but as part of the BNHA Fandom I can say that it is VERY Toxic and rude to fans. The best thing I can say is that we don’t spoil the show and the show has some good action scenes they’re not fighting scenes were I would be like ” Oh wow! That’s really good!!! “. Now another thing I can say is to try to stay out of the BakuDeku shippers and fans because they can get very toxic at times and sometimes try to force you to like the ship but please PLEASE note that not ALL fans are like this because there are actually some nice fans from the MHA Fandom but you usually don’t notice them. But tbh as part of the MHA/BNHA Fandom I am sometimes VERY embarrassed to say I’m part of the Fandom due to the Toxic fans and stuff. So please try. to. stay. out. the. fandom. as. much. as. you. can.

  7. Eliza D says:

    I feel like people often forget about the Hetalia and Attack On Titan fandom back in like 2014. The ship wars were outrageous! Dark times my friends..

    • Omie says:

      I definitely feel that one piece should’ve also been on the list. They can be very arrogant and full of themselves at times. I mean as a MHA fan I admit that my colleagues have a tendency to overreact. But one piece fans can almost never admit when their fandom acts annoying or bullies newcomers. They also act like one piece is the perfect anime and that there’s absolutely nothing bad about it and that it’s the best anime ever and that no anime will ever come close t being as good. And that can become pretty obnoxious

  8. Anne says:

    I really love hunter x hunter and my hero academia but sometimes the fandom is a bit too toxic like I ship midoriya and ochaco because thats the main ship. There were tons of people that were like; ”you cant ship too bottoms” ”no bakudeku is way better” but like just let me ship who I want okay TwT

  9. Cypher says:

    It’s unfortunate we can’t get along, Naruto my number 1 still, though its tough with all the other anime around, it just impacted me the most when I got into anime the first time. And friends still think dbz the best becoz of nostalgia, and watch’s no other shounen.

    • Anime Watcher cause fandoms are to toxic says:

      I’ve replied to at least 5 comments making the same point I am now you can voice your opinion you make think one anime is better then the other but try to voice your opinion in the nicest way possible I mean the author is literally telling us to do this and you comment on the article and just hate on another anime what’s up with that

    • ilham says:

      I dont think demon slayer have toxic fanbase ,they only depent their belove manga. well, so many weebs jealous to this succesfull manga,becouse this manga hit the business at a good time.

    • Abdus says:

      It’s a hype series for people who only look at pretty colors and fights (the entire fandom). But the story is so surface level… If there was more depth and emotion, it would’ve been so good. When Tanjiro killed any demon, I felt no satisfaction.

    • Saki Sanobashi says:

      They’re n00bs, that’s why. Some of them will grow up, some other not. Fortunately, many others will quit anime sooner or later becuase they will get bored, or because someone will tell them that “adult anime fans are weirdos” bullsh*t. 😀

    • Sebastian says:

      Yes. I haven’t really noticed that because I have NEVER really went to check out the fandom even as a Demon Slayer Fan because I don’t wanna act the way I act towards the MHA/BNHA Fandom * I am part of the MHA/BNHA Fandom but am lowkey embarrassed to be part of it because of how the fans are most of the time * towards Demon Slayer because I, personally, thinks it’s really good * Demon Slayer * but the thing is others don’t have to exact same opinion as me so I can’t try to force them to think like me because everyone has their own opinions and should be allowed to feel a certain way towards a anime without being judged but it’s something so simple that people CAN NOT understand and it’s usually for that reason that fanbases get so toxic.

    • alex says:

      well i’m a kny fan, i’m not a toxic one, there are some toxic ones who have spoiled it for others, or have shipped Tanjiro x Nezuko or ships like giyu x tanjiro and its weird lol

    • Hero Killer:Stain cause why not says:

      No offense but this is kinda what the author of this article meant not the sh*ting on people and stuff but the motherly defense you didn’t have too but you decided to make a comment defending HunterxHunter and please don’t hit me with the are you even a fan

  10. rayshawn butler says:

    Can’t we just enjoy anime for what it is? Pure entertainment? You can be immersed and inspired by what it has to offer (i.e. I love CLAMP because of their creativity, interesting storytelling, and cool crossovers), but don’t be all toxic when it comes to people having unpopular opinions. Anime/manga is subjective and people shouldn’t feel afraid of voicing what they want to say. The Anime fandom/hatedom needs to stop because it’s 2021 and it’s getting out of hand. Everyone has preferences that they enjoy.

  11. Suguru says:

    Naruto being my #1 favorite anime. I can admit that Naruto fan base is toxic. Bunch of complaining and whiny b*tches. Always complaining about the amount of fillers it has. Or about particular characters. I enjoy the fillers but those who dislike it. Can simply skip it.

    • Denise says:

      ikr theres a rlly kind side like all fanbases and then just the toxic side.. naruto is a pretty good anime but its not the best but if u put as ur fav idc like what u want. But all fandoms r toxic. the toxic naruto fans just make wars about anime like they watched 1 episode of hxh and said they fell asleep like- they need to shut up sometimes but i also feel like its the boys of the naruto fandom ruining it not all but some they ruined the anime i gave up of how long it was but im disapointed in the naruto fandom. and nearly every fandom but i guess i have to live with toxic people its just life right? (not trying to be disrespectful.)

  12. H. Stephens says:

    I am beyond shocked that Hetalia didn’t make it onto that list. Cosplayers were memorializing Nazi Germany ’cause he was “sexy and badass”. I myself am an active member of the fandom, but it still astonishes me how many members are either completely ignorant or simply disregarding any and all world history. The debates on what warrants incest are also absurd. For example, is the Italians are known as “the Italy brothers”, it’s pretty obvious that any physical relations are considered incest.
    PS. I still think Hetalia can be a really beautiful community, but when members begin to use genocide in sexual situations, the community is downright toxic in the worst ways. Still though, finding the moral parts of the fandom is a great experience, so I don’t want to vilify the entire fandom, just to caution others of the unhealthy parts.

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