Anime Motivation’s Mascot: Hikari Yorokobi

Who Is Hikari Yorokobi?

She’s the official mascot character for Anime Motivation.

Hikari Yorokobi started sometime after Anime Motivation began (which was March 2016).

Her exact birth date is July 17th 2017. Making her a Cancer in the Zodiac.

Being easy going, fun, and charismatic is her superpower.


You’ll find Hikari Yorokobi via:

  • Social media accounts
  • Important pages on the website (like blog categories)
  • Advertising
  • Marketing
  • Promotional material

And all things in between that involve pushing the brand forward and reaching more fans.

Since 2017 she’s gone through many visual changes as the brand has evolved, and artists have worked on the mascot.


Character Profile:

  • Hair colour: Brown/Black.
  • Hairstyle: Short (most of the time).
  • Eye colour: Usually Hazel.
  • Likes: Anime, Fashion, Chilled music, Spicy foods, learning, keeping fit.
  • Dislikes: Cliche’s, Plain foods, bland colors, being inactive for too long.
  • Birthday: July 17th (Cancer).




The meaning behind the name: Hikari Yorokobi

The 1st name, Hikari means “light” in Japanese. While the 2nd name Yorokobi means “joy”.

She’s a cheerful, outgoing girl who loves to socialize and connect with people.

Hikari’s favorite way of expressing herself is through fashion.


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