The Cringiest Anime That Will Make You Question WTF Is Happening scaled

17+ Of The Cringiest Anime That Will Make You Question WTF Is Happening

Anime is diverse. That means there’s a lot to it.

  • Genres.
  • Styles.
  • Plots.
  • Stories.
  • Characters.
  • Quirks.

Anime has SO MUCH choice, that every type of fan will find something that suits their taste.

But even so – there are some anime shows, as far as I see it, that will make you cringe because of how awful, poorly done, awkward, or “strange” they are.

Sometimes even the best anime can make you cringe as well.

Here’s a list of shows to think about before you decide to go through with it.


Cringiest Anime Shows:


1. Dog And Scissors

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dog and scissors weird anime

Dog And Scissors… how do I even describe this crazy anime series.

When I first saw it I thought “hmmm, even though the ratings aren’t perfect, It “could” surprise me”. Of course, by surprise I meant impress. But it surprised me alright with how strange and odd the comedy is.

The main male character is reborn as a dog after he’s murdered. During his death, there’s a girl with long black hair who’s at the “crime” scene.

Well, this girl is a lunatic who gets “aroused” from torturing Harumi (the guy who’s reborn as a cute, helpless little dog). And that’s all the anime is about: torture and weird animal fetishes.

human dog dog and scissors

I dare you to watch this anime ALL the way through, without cringing or dipping your head into a cold bucket of water…

I’ll give you some anime-related merch for FREE if you manage.

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2. Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions

dark flame master chuunubyou anime

rikka takanashi and yuuta funny

I admit – this anime’s one of my “lowkey” favourite romance series. And I’m not even the biggest fan of romance, either.

I didn’t feel this way in the beginning. That’s why I dropped it before episode 5.

But something pulled me back and said “give it a chance” and so I did. And it still made me cringe at the comedy and delusional behaviour of the main character: Rikka Takanashi.

By this point, you’ll either love this series, or you’ll hate it because of how badly it makes you cringe. But if you pull through – this is a rewarding anime with some of the best romance and comedy I’ve witnessed.

The characters are memorable, and the comedy has its own flavour. Making it “nothing” like you’ll ever experience as far as rom-com or slice of life in general.


3. Trinity Seven

trinity seven episode 9

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I’ve seen a TON of Ecchi anime. It’s far from my favourite genre because it’s too cliché, corny, and tries too hard to provoke laughter.

It’s as if the creators get ”lazy” with Ecchi some of the time.

Trinity Seven is that kind of anime. There’s nothing special, rewarding or even “good” about it.

Within the first few episodes, I cringed and face-palmed myself at the desperate attempts to show fan service and the same old harems we’ve seen 1000’’s of times. In a way that’s uninspiring.

There’s nothing new and nothing about it makes me want to say “this deserves a chance”. Especially with how much it makes you cringe at the characters and nonsensical “copy n paste” style of storytelling.

If you can call it that.


4. How clumsy you are, Miss Ueno

how clumsy are you screenshot

how clumsy are you anime weird

When you watch 1 episode of an anime, and it feels like you’re dragging yourself along the floor, that’s always a bad sign.

But when you take the audacious, ballsy idea of getting another character to drink “piss” transformed into water, it can only make you scratch your head.

This is supposed to be “comedy”, and I get it: Japan’s idea of comedy is different to the west and the world in general. I’ve watched 500+ anime so I understand that.

That’s why I love anime.

But How Clumsy You Are, Miss Ueno might be too much. And you’ll cringe as soon as the anime begins. All the way to the end of the series.


5. Dagashi Kashi

hotaru shidare funny

hotaru shidare dagashi

Dagashi Kashi is all about Japanese sweets. The “cheap” kind in Japan. You could go as far as saying the anime’s purpose is to “advertise” Dagashi sweets, and nothing more.

That’s how “all out” they went in producing this anime, and basing everything around Dagashi.

I’ve watched ALL of Dagashi Kashi, so I know as an anime it’s “decent” but nothing more than that.

The comedy is littered with scenes that will make the average fan “cringe” and roll their eyes. Because at times it’s a little much to deal with, or even take seriously.

But with that said – it’s still an OK anime show.

I guess that depends on how you see it, and what it is you’re looking for in a comedy series.


6. Zombieland Saga

zombieland saga funny

zombieland saga anime characters

That’s right – I said it. Zombieland Saga is an anime that’s cringy, weird, strange and doesn’t make sense to me. And I say that in spite of how popular or socially “accepted” this anime was in 2019.

You can think of Zombieland Saga as a “strange” version of Love Live School Idol Project.

Each character has their own personality, quirks and designs that help them “stand out” from the crowd.

How the anime comes about, and the story that follows will make you question WTF is going on. Depending on what kind of anime fan you are, and what you’re drawn to.

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7. Shimoneta

blue snow shimoneta gif

A Boring World Where The Concept Of Dirty Jokes Doesn’t Exist. That’s the LONG title of this series in plain English.

It’s ridiculous, I know. But that’s a simple breakdown of WHAT you’re getting into before watching.

Even though I rate this anime 9/10 without hesitating, I can see how “cringy” it is. Even if you love Ecchi anime.

First of all – Blue Snow (main character) wears underpants over her head. She does this to make a crude point against the SJW’S she fights against. I mean that literally when I say SJW (it’s part of the plot).

Getting back to the point, none of that by itself doesn’t even scratch the surface of how cringy this anime can get. But you still might love it, regardless.

I know I did.

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8. Kakegurui

kakegurui boob screenshot

kakegurui life of death subtitles

Compulsive Gambler (Kakegurui) is extreme in some aspects. Like the facial expressions (that are realistic at times). But some facial expressions are more on the “dramatic, unpleasant” side.

And then there are characters, especially towards the last few episodes, that are so crazy you’d be mad not to cringe as you see things play out.

That doesn’t make Kakegurui’s a bad anime, I think it’s “OK”.

If you love strategy and a “risk-taking” approach to playing games, you’ll love Kakegurui. But it all comes down to what you want, and what your threshold is.


9. Love Tyrant

love tyrant yuri screenshott 1

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Love Tyrant is the silliest parody I’ll ever see for as long as anime lives. And I’m not talking “Gintama” type of silly.

No, I mean the kind of silly that makes you wanna drop the anime you’re watching. Then forget everything you’ve just seen.

The concept is taken from Death Note. Every person whose name is written in the Kiss Note falls in love with the person who wrote it. To the point where they’d do ANYTHING.

Even commit suicide if it’s asked of them.

But the comedy is a load of bollocks as we say in the UK. At best it’s plain and at worst it’s a copy and paste of everything you’ve already seen.

And that’s on top of how much you’ll cringe trying to get through each episode.


10. Kill La Kill

ryuko matoi microphone

ryuko matoi ecchi scene

This will offend some fans who are reactionary and don’t read every word, so pay attention. Kill La  Kill is one of my favorite anime shows of ALL time.

I’ll never forget it for as long as I live.

But I admit. This is the type of anime that WILL make you cringe at the character’s awkward, sexual positions. And the angles the camera points at.

To me – Kill La Kill is a rare example of an “Ecchi” series done right. It’s not trashy, and the fan service doesn’t take away from the flashy action and the sleek animation.

More importantly, a lot of these elements are deliberately used to mock certain tropes and typical elements seen in many anime. And the anime is also using clothes (or the lack of them) to drive home an important message.

The “cringe” might make the point of the series go over many people’s heads, especially those who are reactionary to a fault.

Even still – I’m sure there are fans who might “cringe” no matter how good Kill La Kill is. Or how well-crafted it is as far as story and plot.


11. The Familiar Of Zero

pink haired tsundere the familiar of zero

the familiar of zero pink haired princess

The Familiar Of Zero is an anime about abuse. Or it might as well be.

It takes the typical “Tsundere” arch type and drives it so far up the wall it’s out of reach. And insane by Tsundere standards.

The main character falls in love with a crazy girl who abuses, whips and beats the living sh** out of him, literally. And that to me is the part that makes me cringe. It’s bound to make a  lot of fans cringe as well (as I know first-hand).

But if not – each to their own. Just know the comedy is different to what you’re used to seeing. And there are clear double standards at play as well.

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12. Re:Zero

re zero wife and daughter screenshot

subaru natsuki serious face

And we’ll end this with Re:Zero – Starting Life In Another World. A psychological series by White Fox, and dozens of scenes that will make you “cringe” at how vile it is.

Subaru Natsuki is put through hell. And even worse: he’s not allowed to share his problems with anyone, because of a curse that lives inside him.

You might cringe at the end of episode 1. Or at the beginning of episode 2, or throughout the entire season at various parts of the anime. But you’ll cringe one way or another because that’s the kind of anime Re:Zero is sometimes.

I’d say that’s part of the reason it’s so successful and “high-rated” in general. Because the characters and the storytelling is on point, regardless.

Keep in mind this is one of my favourite anime of all time, and by “cringe” in this sense I mean at the level of brutality and violence, and some of Subaru’s moments rather than “cringe” in a bad sense.


13. Food Wars

Food Wars soma erina image

This is another anime I like more than most on this list, but at the same time, I’m aware of how cringey it is and how awkward it can be with its style of storytelling.

Soma Yukihira is an amateur chef so to speak, and a guy who’s gained experience from working in his dads’ mini restaurant. After participating in cooking school of sorts where students compete at the highest level, he levels up and gets to show off his skills.

But the anime, more so when it comes to characters tasting the good food are usually seen with their clothes flying off for comedic effect. It’s a way of expressing how “good” the food tastes in a way that’s artistic.

It can be cringey though, but it’s also part of the anime’s charm and why it’s so different.


14. Bungou Stray Dogs

Bungou Stray Dogs Funny Moments Dazai

Bungou Stray Dogs shows us how weird this anime is from the moment it starts. In the first episode, you have Osamu Dazai, one of the main characters. He attempts to commit suicide.

It’s his one obsession in life, to commit a “double suicide” with someone, but he’s oddly chipper, carefree, and cheerful about it. You start to understand his psyche the more you watch when more is revealed.

Other than Atsushi who’s probably the most normal character, the majority of the anime’s cast is full of weirdos with their own quirky personalities, habits, and sometimes cringey moments.


15. Taboo Tattoo

Taboo Tattoo Tiddies

Taboo Tattoo is about a type of power that’s on the loose, with a certain group of people trying to reclaim it to stop it from getting into the wrong hands. Justice Akatsuka, the MC happens to be a “good” character who ends up with the power.

This anime is similar to Akame Ga Kill, Chainsaw Man, and many other violent series in the industry. But in this case, it’s cringey, though not for the usual reasons.

What makes certain parts of this anime with wasted potential is the comedy aspects. They’re not well placed. Timing is everything, but the timing is ruined and rushed in a way during moments where it doesn’t hit the right notes.


16. It’s You Guys’ Fault I’m Not Popular!

It's You Guys' Fault I'm Not Popular! Tomoko Hdive

Watamote is the Japanese name. Tomoko Kuroki is the MC of the show. She’s the reason why the anime is cringey and has so many cringey moments. Most anime fans agree with this.

Tomoko is an awkward teenager with no confidence at all. Oddly enough she does have determination though. She tries her hardest to get noticed, get attention and does some of the strangest things to deal with her anxiety and pain.

“Cringe” is built into the anime’s plot and characteristics. But the anime does have merit, especially for its reliability and realistic elements some will relate to.

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17. Rent A Girlfriend

Rent A Girlfriend Girls

And one of the most cringey anime shows of all is Rent A Girlfriend. This anime is in a class of its own in certain moments with certain characters.

Kazuya Kinoshita is the source of the anime’s cringe. He’s a college student with little experience with girls, to the point he loses his mind (internally) over the slightest touch, compliment, or mild interaction with an attractive woman.

Rent A Girlfriend is part Ecchi, part rom-com, so this isn’t as surprising when you look at the genre. But despite this the anime is popular, well-liked (or hated depending on who you ask) and continues to be talked about.

It does have some solid characters, mainly Chizuru Mizuhara who carries the anime forward.


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