Racism In The Anime Community And Where It Stands Today scaled

Racism In The Anime Community, And Where It Stands Today

One thing I don’t think about often but have realized is this: people with BIG anime platforms don’t talk about racism.

It’s baffling.

Some of these publishers and bloggers will even say they care about the anime community, and that they’re all about “supporting” each other.

I just never see any evidence when it comes to anime racism in particular (except on smaller platforms).


Anime Racism is alive and well in the industry

On a smaller level, you’ll see White American anime fans being racist towards the same Asians who created anime in the first place. This is more on the extreme side but it does exist.

And you see a lot of racism, whether it’s systematic or blatant towards the black community. And even towards Asians, the very people who created anime in the first place. Which is mental.

With that said..


Examples Of Racism In The Anime Community:


1. Naomi Osaka’s Portrayal in Japanese Media

Naomi Osaka is a half Haitian, half Japanese woman who’s a champion Tennis player.

She signed a deal with a company called Nissin, a global noodle brand with a lot of clout.

While this deal was a lucrative one, that didn’t matter when Nissin lightened Naomi’s skin in the media through an animated AD.

osaka naomi ad nissin

They went out of their way to whitewash and misrepresent Naomi Osaki by lightening her skin in the AD.

And on a separate occasion, they made a racist joke saying she looked “too sunburned”.

japan naomi osaka

This was in Japan itself.

Whether it represents the majority or not doesn’t take away from the racism and that’s the point here.


2. Is The Order A Rabbit? Season 1

For a cute anime series like “Is The Order A Rabbit?” you’d think everything in this anime would be fluffy and lightweight like a teddy bear.

That’s true.

It IS like that. But for some reason within the first few episodes of season 1 – they “drop” a racist stereotype to make a point.

In this scene – Sharo Kirima has a flashback from a time Rize saved her from “thugs” or the equivalent.

Of course – her memory ain’t even a real memory, as you see when Rize describes what actually happened.

But only after depicting 2 black Men with stereotypical designs, and painting them as thugs who do bad things in a dark alleyway.

This is subtle racism that tries to play it off as someone innocent and no big deal. But it’s a clear negative stereotype drawn from the Western world about how black men look, act and behave.


3. Black Cosplayer Who Cosplayed As Nezuko (Demon Slayer)

This example is a LOT more recent than others on this list.

There was a black cosplayer on Twitter, relatively new to the industry who cosplayed as Nezuko.

As you can imagine – she didn’t think anything of putting it out there on Twitter.

She loves Nezuko’s character, and she is having fun doing it.

And then the racists came crawling out of their caves to bash her over the head with their clubs.

It got to a point where she was driven off Twitter because of the hate and abuse for “being a black Nezuko”.


The hypocrisy of American anime fans with a superiority complex

One thing that baffles me about this situation is the group of people who started this nonsense.

I’ve never in my life seen white cosplayers being “bashed” for NOT being Japanese. And this is the hypocrisy in the anime cosplay community that makes me shake my head.

Mostly in the US of course.

But even with that said – the immense backlash against these racists was positive and a lot of fans didn’t tolerate it.

I’ve always said that America has a race issue, regardless of which side of the fence you’re on. And this to me is just a sad highlight of the fact this still takes place.

Related: 19+ Of The BEST Black Female Anime Characters You Should Know


4. Black Pokemon Sword Shield Gym Leader Depicted As A “Monkey”

nessa pokemon sword and shield

For context – this is Nessa from Pokemon Sword And Shield. The latest Pokemon RPG in the successful franchise.

As with any character of colour or otherwise, fans celebrated Nessa as the new water Gym Leader in Sword and Shield.

And of course – there’s always that one guy who spoils it for everyone by drawing a monkey version of Nessa as fan art.

328 people actually “liked” the photo, which makes me chuckle a bit at the absurdity.

And even though the artist got called out for their BS, a surprising amount of Tweets gave their typical “it’s a joke” comments as they do because they love racism.

But it’s far from a joke as this next tweet will show:

This artist draws these comparisons to black people on more than one occasion and hasn’t said a word about any of it.

There’s no need to because actions always speak louder than words ever will.


5. Anime whitewashing In Hollywood

YouTube video

This has been going on since the early 1900’s in the USA for media in general. But within the last decade or so, anime characters are constantly whitewashed when adapted into Hollywood.

Let’s take the Death Note film as an example of whitewashing.

death note whitewashing

Light Yagami was depicted by a white actor instead of an Asian one. Or more accurately – a Japanese.

No anime fan took this seriously as proven by Twitter at the time.

The same thing happened with Ghost In The Shell, and we all know how that went down.

At the end of the day – if a film gets adapted, it’s only right to have people play roles who fit the character’s race.

In this context, it’s different from cosplay, as cosplay is more of a fun activity and nothing full-blown or strict like a film is.

It’s a common thing to be told “We don’t want people like you playing this role”, usually in a roundabout way.

That’s typical for any race when it comes to Hollywood’s whitewashing BS.


6. Japanese Light Novel Creator’s Racist Tweets

young agani in another world light novel

Back in 2018, the light novelYoung Again In Another World was adapted into an anime series.

The release date was set for October 2018. But it ended up getting cancelled that same year in June.


The creator of the series went on a racist Twitter rant about Chinese and Korean people (old Tweets).

Or as Wikipedia puts it:

“Commentators discovered several tweets by the author from 2013–2015 allegedly containing derogatory and racist statements about China, as well as tweets from 2012–2014 that contained similar racist messages directed at South Korea.”

The Twitter mob dug up old Tweets with a shovel and found racist, derogatory Tweets towards China and Korea.

This was the nail in the coffin for Young Again In Another World. And everyone jumped ship to avoid being associated with the author and the drama that came from it.

Related: The MYTH Of Anime Characters Looking White


7. #SailorMoonRedrawChallenge Racism

sailor moon original character

As you can see – this is Sailor Moon (Usagi) from the Sailor Moon series.

This is her as-is, without any changes or whatever.

So what’s the issue?

There was a Sailor Moon redraw challenge on May 18th 2020 where artists did their own “spins” on Sailor Moon‘s design.



Everything seemed OK and nobody batted an eye.


But then comes the racism from American SJW’S

It all started with this.

Someone did a redraw of Sailor Moon, this time with a more homegrown look. This means an Asian version of Sailor Moon down to the T.

After all – Sailor Moon‘s heritage IS Japanese and anime is made in Japan. So why not?

It’s all for fun.

But Americans were quick to show their racism…. again. This time towards Asians and Japanese in particular.

THIS tweet says it all.

twitter mad japanese sailor moon racism


The racism continued

This time the focus is on a black redraw of Sailor Moon.

Once this artist did their redraw of Sailor Moon as a black character (just like with the Asian redraw) racism and prejudice followed.

Not surprising knowing how SJW’S operate on Twitter, and how a portion of Americans can be towards other races.

All you’ve gotta do is look at the comments to see it in action.

Just like the case with the Asian redraw.


8. Spy x Family racism

Spy x Family is an anime series that started in April 2022. The anime was first announced back in 2021 and it has a solid fanbase with a series that continuously sells well with over 17 million sales to date.

While there were many controversies surrounding this anime like people claiming it promotes child trafficking, one that stood out was the sheer racism coming from dozens of profiles.

Someone redrew fanart of Anya Forger and made her with black features for fun. But the Western racists came out of their caves to disparage, criticize, and scream all kinds of abuse unprovoked.

Clickbaiters like Anime Senpai and Daily Dose Of Anime only made it worse by trying to phrase the controversy as if the artists started it when in reality it was the unhinged racists of Anitwitter.


9. Subaru Kimura Mumen Rider VA racism exposed

Subaru Kimura, a Japanese anime voice actor for characters like Takuto Yasuwaki (Black Bullet), Aoi Todo (Jujutus Kaisen), was exposed for his racism towards black and African people.

His Instagram was filled with racist gestures towards an African tribe in particular, and when confronted about it he deleted all of his Instagram posts pointing to it. And he’s said nothing about it since.

Buck-dancing coons in small doses have made excuses for it, and racists have also tolerated it. While big platforms have stayed quiet as usual despite preaching how they’re against racism.


10. Nagatoro black dubbed VA receives racist backlash

In this case, in January 2022 a black voice actress, a new one at that was given the opportunity to DUB Nagatoro in the Nagatoro series.

After it was announced and shown that the new voice actress was a black woman the racist comments started sliding through like clockwork. The images shown here are just a fraction of the vile tweets that came through.

Unprovoked yet again. The racism in the anime community is crystal clear.


11. Daman Mills Freiza Voice actor racism exposed

Daman Mills, a gay anime voice actor who voiced Frieza in DBZ is the latest culprit for racism. He was also exposed as a child groper who groomed a kid, the same kid who talked about it with Anime News Network before retracting his statement after being threatened with legal action.

As shown in the screenshots Daman can be seen casually using the N-word unwarranted and the cheeky b*stard had the audacity to BLOCK me personally on Twitter after putting out a news piece.

daman mills blocked @theojellis for calling out racism twitter


12. VTuber racist to black people

emiok anime vtuber racism nigger blackface

A VTuber by the name of @EmiOK criticized another VTuber for supposed sexualization and “pedo bait”. Then the anime community responded with criticism, which led the VTuber to call anime fans pedos.

After that, she was exposed for her recent racism from as early as 2020 with blackface and racist images towards black people… A thing she claimed she didn’t understand and made excuses for when called out.


13. Manufacturing controversy for likes and clicks


fake meme about akira toriyama black anime characters

Some white guy on YouTube AND Twitter decided to manufacture controversy against black people.

He started by making the image above, twisting the wording of the actual article, and making it seem like Akira Toriyama wrote those statements. Which is false in reality because the Japanese odn’t talk like this to begin with.

What’s worse is nobody called this out despite it being “semi” viral and getting big enough for it to be noticed on some level. Everyone stayed hypocritically quiet like they usually do until it affects them.

It’s projection at its finest from those who take issue with black people highlighting that they’d like to see more black characters in anime, and closet racists and outright cowards having a problem with black inclusion in particular.


Anime controversy that WAS NOT racist:

one punch man season 2 racism controversy blackluster 1175667

When the blackluster controversy took flight in 2019 I thought the whole thing was an absolute joke.

The problem with “fake” racism on the internet is it all stems from America.

America is a country where no matter WHAT your skin colour or culture is, some people are overly sensitive to racism. And will outrage about things that aren’t even racist to begin with.

This minority ruins it for everyone else in cases like this. And the Blackluster case from One Punch Man S2 was one of them.

After all – Blackluster existed before the anime even aired this episode.

What do you think about racism in the anime community?



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4 thoughts on “Racism In The Anime Community, And Where It Stands Today

  1. some random south east asian dude says:

    Bruh why race this race that race everything. Go race a car. Somehow Americans and ONLY Americans can pointed every issues in the world to “RaCIShm”.

  2. Sarah says:

    “Commentators discovered several tweets by the author from 2013–2015 allegedly containing derogatory and racist statements about China, as well as tweets from 2012–2014 that contained similar racist messages directed at South Korea.”

    What are your thoughts on the cancel culture? Because i noticed you didn’t bring that term when using this example here.

    • Anime Motivation says:

      Are you implying someone who’s racist shouldn’t be held accountable, and we should turn a blind eye and pretend it’s OK?

      Cancel culture is exactly that. People trying to destroy someone because they’re entitled little bastards who think the world shines out their ass. And think they have the right to dictate to others.

      Racism or discrimination are exactly as they sound. People who hate you for your skin color, culture, your differences, or for what you can’t change.

      It’s a clear distinction. Only a fool would correlate the two, or someone who wants to avoid accountability.

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