The Greatest Family Friendly Anime Thats Not Perverted scaled

7 Of The Greatest Family-Friendly Anime That’s Not Perverted

When you have harem animes like My Girlfriend Is A Gal, which takes perversion to disturbing levels, it’s no wonder some people avoid anime.

And if you’re a fan already, it’s even harder to watch anime with friends or family. Because a lot of shows aren’t appropriate.

Despite that, there are some really high quality anime that do away with the perverted nonsense.

Making it easier and more comfortable to watch in groups.

Here are 7 family friendly anime that are a perfect fit for what you’re looking for.


1. Haikyuu

7 Of The Greatest Family-Friendly Anime That's Not Perverted

Haikyuu is a volleyball anime focused on a group of boys committed to making it to the nationals.

While there is one girl in particular some boys fawn over, it’s not perverted or inappropriate. Making Haikyuu one of the most legit animes to watch with family or kids.

The simple, easy to follow story makes this show even more appealing as well. And might end up being one of the top shows you’ve watched.


2. A Silent Voice

7 Of The Greatest Family-Friendly Anime That's Not Perverted

A silent voice is a gorgeous anime movie, made by Kyoto Animation. A studio known for it’s romance and powerful stories.

The main theme touches on bullying and a disabled girl. Put the two together and you start to understand where this anime takes you.

It’s an emotional story that will draw you in, and even open up your mind to relatable themes and strong life lessons. All while being family friendly to watch with anyone, regardless of age.


3. Tamako Market

7 Of The Greatest Family-Friendly Anime That's Not Perverted

Another show made by Kyoto Animation.

Tamako Market is a simple slice of life about a small town, known for their main Japanese dish: Mochi!

Tamako (the main character) works in her parents business preparing Mochi almost everyday.

Not only is Tamako Market a short, 12 episode series, but it’s lightweight, gentle, fun and relaxing. It’s especially good to watch after a long day when you’re tired and drained.


4. Barakamon

7 Of The Greatest Family-Friendly Anime That's Not Perverted

Barakamon focuses on the personal development of Seishu Handa. A 23 year old Calligrapher who punches his manager in the face after being criticized.

While that sounds dramatic, this is only the introduction to Barakamon. And Seishu’s journey to bettering himself is based on that. With some life lessons sprinkled throughout.

Barakamon is relaxing like Tamako Market and has characters aged between 6-8 to 14-30+.


5. New Game

new game anime 1

New Game’s animation is lush and easy to look at. Making it one of the more nicely presented shows of recent years.

The story is simple: Aoba Suzukaze has a dream to work as a game designer, so she quits college to make it happen.

What you get from the first episode is a mixture of comedy, the struggles of being a game designer, and working in the business.

And it stays 100% clean without throwing in any perversion or mindless fan-service.

There is 1 exception here, but it’s far from innapropiate, Ecchi, nude, or anything of the sort.


6. Squid Girl

7 Of The Greatest Family-Friendly Anime That's Not Perverted

This animes a slice of life focused on a human-like squid girl from the sea, who ends up working and living with the Aizawa family.

Squid Girl gets a little extreme on the “comedy” side of things, but it never strays into the perverted dark side some anime fall in. And as far as family friendly shows go, you’ll love the mannerisms, entertainment and tender episodes baked into this series.

Personally It’s one of my favourites.


7. Orange

7 Of The Greatest Family-Friendly Anime That's Not Perverted

Orange, like A Silent Voice, is swimming in emotions, heartbreak, sadness and a painful story.

It’s about a teenager: Kakeru Naruse, and one of the biggest regrets he has in life that pushes him over the edge.

I’ve never related and been so empathetic towards another anime show like Orange before. And the message it pushes is enough to drive you to watch it until the end.


Other Worthy Mentions:

  1. Sakura Quest.
  2. Flying Witch.
  3. Kokoro Connect.
  4. Denpa Kyoushi.
  5. Little Witch Academia.
  6. Interviews With Monster Girls.



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38 thoughts on “7 Of The Greatest Family-Friendly Anime That’s Not Perverted

  1. Ribbit says:

    For A Silent Voice I would say a mature 10 year old and older. A SIlent voice includes suicide,bullying,anxiety and ect. Oh,not to mention…A Whisker away is such a cute movie for the whole family. I watched it with my little brother,and my little sister and both enjoyed it. I had to watch a Silent Voice alone along side with my older brother since we both knew about those topics and were mature enough to watch something included with it.

    (If you have a sibling,friend,or child that loves sad,love,drama action,horror animes here is what I would recomend :

    Demon Slayer
    The plot is well suited for a mature 10 year old or 9 year old turning 10. There is somewhat abuse in one of the episodes, the mother spider demon getting pulled by her hair and bleeding, another episode is where Muzan Kibutsuji (The main Demon Lord) tortures the demons brutaly so might wan’t to just teach them it is just an animation it won’t happen to them and it is just for watching new things. In my opinion 10+ including Parential Guidence on massacre (Massacre is seen in the first episode)

    My Hero Academia
    Oh boy I love this anime! It is very inspiring and inspires people to be a hero now I don’t mean the ones with quirks (super powers) what I mean is being a police, helping the community, being a firefighter and ect. The show is very funny and adorable to watch sometimes. There is something to be warned about though…Shoto Todoroki’s family was abused in the past by Enji Todoroki (Father) Shoto was pushed around by his father just to become a hero and made his Wife (Rei Todoroki) put boiling hot water on Shoto’s left side because it resembled Enji’s quirk called HellFlame. Shoto’s quirk is a mixture of his Mom’s and Dad’s quirk. Ice on the right and Fire on the left. The family starts to be more nicer and Enji starts to make up for what he has done in the past and wishes to put it behind him. Enji is also known as “Endevour” The No.2 hero in the first apperence but after the fight with the No.1 hero and a very strong villian, Endevour becomes the No.1 hero.
    Another Warning: There is a perv. named Minoru Mineta he harrases the girl and tries to look where he should not be looking. Again, Parential Guidence on what a pervert is.

    Also The MHA/BNHA fandom has a toxic side of it. It includes rude people in it

    Now you might think “ARE YOU INSANE?! THAT ANIME HAS A *bleep* LOAD OF BLOOD FOR A 10 YEAR OLD!”
    Yes it contains somewhat a lot of blood but only when a body has been disvovered or it is punishment time. The blood is all censored in pink and to be honest, it looks like paint. I always thought of Danganronpa to be an acted-out show where everything, especially the deaths are all fake and nobody really died,just a drama show. It contains a very little amount of cursing but a perfect amount that a 10 year old (mature) is able to hear like F### and B#### and @$s face. Please know in the first season a girl named Sakura comited Suicide, please teach your child of how the world is dangerous, there are some dark jokes about pain and death so be careful with that and don’t let it get to your child and they suffer by thinking they will die soon. Now my favorite character that made me laugh and might make you laugh is Byakuya Togami. He is your typical “rich sassy pants boy.” He can be series but he makes me burst laughing. Again, please make sure you teach your child what I just told you.

    If you are looking at an anime you really wanna watch but you are unsure if it is for your age you can comment the anime and I can help you!

    (Please know this is coming from a 15 year old teen)

  2. Hannah says:

    Haikyuu! might be the most appropriate anime I’ve ever watched. it’s so funny and so inspiring at the same time. a seven year old could watch it but at the same time a full-grown adult could watch it as well. as a 12 year old, I definataly recommend it. It just proves that not all anime is blood, gore, hentai, boobs, or death. Haikyuu! is the most kid-friendly anime ever.

  3. A'Melody says:

    Thanks, I really needed this. I am 10 and I painted a picture of a random anime character and i put the word anime at the top. My mom doesn’t know what anime is so she searched it on youtube…it showed up hentai and bloody images… so she said “DONT BE WATCHING ANIME, ANIME IS NASTY AND BAD GIRLS” first of all… Not all animes are hentai…second of all… she just clicked the first bad one she saw…last of all… THE PICTURE I PAINTED WAS JUST A BROWN HAIRED GIRL WITH A YELLOW SHIRT AND OVERALLS HOLDING A SUNFLOWER!!! I really need this list so that I could show her that not all animes are bad.. anime is just what people make it to be.. not what ever you see. I hope this works…I miss watching anime… hopefully she at least lets me watch these 🙁

  4. Buher. Sincerely says:

    Lol what about kiyoyachi bath scene in haikyuu season 4? i think Haikyuu is more like for teens because kiyoyachi bath scene…

  5. Arda Demirci says:

    Ok first lets clear this up, family friendly means all members of a family can watch it. So we have to keep in mind a 7 year old kid can be watching it too.
    1. I’d like to remind you that in New Game Yagami constantly sleeps with her panties and there is even a scene where a co worker does the same and when Aoba catches them… well…
    2. I dont think Orange would be suitable because depression and suicide shouldn’t be something kids of that age should be thought.

    • Treyten says:

      very true, i also think of animes like DBZ and naruto should not be viewed by “younger” children. Because of the apparel of some characters and some language and not okay jokes. (just my opinion)

      • alex aidinidis says:

        i agree and those anime are very heavy in violence i would also add one piece that it was banned in my country due to its in quote extreme violence

      • Austin says:

        True, but DBZ does have childlike things, same with naruto. But i dont think kids should watch it without parents watching it 1st.

  6. Aiden says:

    i really needed this, i was scared to watch an anime i want because i thought there would be some inappropriate scenes and i am 11 and i didnt want my family to see me watching nasty anime shows so thank you so much.

  7. Jenny Kendall says:

    A mother of three here! I’ve watched a lot of anime with my children (ages 8,10, and 13.) But one of the most memorable ones was Haikyuu. My children loved it, especially my 10 year old! It also inspired my 13 year old to join a volleyball team! I think there was nothing inappropriate about the show or anything that my kids wouldn’t have already known about. 10/10 show!

  8. Muffin says:

    Idk man a silent voice deals with a deaf girl who is suicidal but i mean-

    IN MY OPINION for any anime, it doesn’t matter how much “sexual content” “fights” “horror” or “bloodiness” there is people have different maturity rates therefore people would know if they should watch it or not it all depends on the person

  9. bebebe says:

    As some people have addressed, I don’t think Silent Voice and Orange are suitable, at least not for younger children.

    It’s tricky because both of them discuss about suicide, mental illness (anxiety for Silent Voice and depression for Orange), and bullying.
    The viewers have to be open-minded, remembering there are still people who believe in stereotypes of the three topics I mentioned.

    Though, I believe it can be a good lesson for children to “speak up when they have a problem” or something like that. Again, it requires an open-minded older person.

  10. KatiePark70 says:

    I agree very much with Haikyuu. I started Haikyuu at the age of 10 and don’t regret it, at that age nothing seemed inappropriate to me, but everyone’s different right? I’ve seen other sites that over exaggerate a lot of things within the show. There’s little to none violence in this anime, other then getting hit with a volleyball for comedic affects (nothing happens). Just incase, there was one major fight scene where two of the main characters got into a fight, the scene was way more emotional than “gory” or “bloody” (there was no blood or gore at all tbh). The amount of cuss words are not that bad, compared to other anime. The most used words are probably d*mn and dumb*ss (some use of sh*t/f*ck). Nothing more than what an average middle schooler would hear. Like for example, if you’ve seen anime like Black Butler, Attack on Titan, Fruits Basket, or Death Note, the amount of cuss words in Haikyuu would seem little compared. There’s barely any sexual content. Like it stated above, there is a girl two boys fawn over, but nothing sexual. I would highly recommended Haikyuu, the plot is absolutely amazing and all the characters are lovable. Even if you’re not interested in sports like volleyball, definitely give this anime a shot! In my honest opinion, I think the most “proper” age rating would be AT MOST 9+. Y’all free to disagree but I’m really hoping that everyone will be able to enjoy the show and no one will be prevented because of the over exaggerated ratings.

  11. E’macri says:

    I really agree with all of them, haikyuu is the best tbh I’m 17 and my 9 cousin found the show, and it’s great for her

  12. Joseph Richards says:

    I just wanted to say thank you for the work and info you put in! im not huge on blogging myself, i love reading and seeing the advice especially from Anime Motivation. I do share alot of your stuff on my Facebook page and i hope that people enjoy reading it as much as me! Thank you again

  13. Anyee says:

    Wtf, silent voice is talking about suicide stugellinh. They are scenes from bullying. Plus like you need to be older to understand wtf. Why is not spiries away here? Or my neighborhood totoro, thats movies you watch with kids HONESTLY

    • DaNce says:

      I watched a Silent Voice at 10 years old but honestly, I would say just someone who is mature enough for those themes and understand what the themes are should be able to watch it. Honestly, I would say for Tweens and older if you don’t agree it’s okay :/

    • Wasim Iqbal says:

      It has mature themes that kids don’t understand… Some films only has maturity but it has no inappropriate scene doesn’t mean it’s for kids cz kids won’t understand. By the way, where is the magnet here that brings younger audience? It’s not childish so doesn’t mean it is a kids film. Now tell wtf?

    • Weehoo says:

      I’m a 12 y/o I watched silent voice once and it got me really confused, it was also very unsettling to watch, I can agree with you that someone has to be older to watch that.

    • Wasim Iqbal says:

      Don’t you get it? It has adult themes like real life and what’s so fictional or logicless here? Now tell wtf…

  14. alex aidinidis says:

    kokoro connect? seriously ? as an worthy mention in a list with the greatest family friendly shows that are not peverted?Are you high or something?The mc is a siscon and masturbates to his female friends and the anime has scenes of attempted sex and naked scenes if a parent would see any of these scenes he would ban the anime even barakamon has a scene that’s not safe for work, im talking about the sea slug scene,and some vulgular language i’m ok with it

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