Important Lessons To Be Learned From Beastars That Go Deep
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5 Important Lessons To Be Learned From Beastars That Go Deep

Like many anime fans, when scrolling on Netflix and seeing Beastars listed in the anime category, you might think that it was something that was for furries.

Who would have thought that an anime in a world of humanoid animals would be so breathtaking?

For those that did not read the manga, Beastars will take you by surprise with how unique and creative it is.

This show has so much psychology and behavioural philosophy that it is hard not to watch.

Anime always has something to teach you and Beastars is one of those anime. So deep and yet it seems so simple because the story takes place in a high school setting.

Here’s a list.


5 life lessons learned from Beastars anime:


1. There is nothing you can do about the way people judge you

haru outcast beastars

Whether you are a teenager or an adult, there is always that part of you that somewhat cares about what people think.

Sometimes we try to change our own image or change our personality so that we can fit into a certain group of people. We want to be liked, we want to feel part of a group.

Some people change themselves to fit in and there are always consequences.

Haru was outcasted once her friends found out that she was sleeping around with many boys. It wasn’t until the last few episodes of Beastars that we found out why she slept with many guys.

Haru does not see what she does as a bad thing but the people around her certainly do.

Haru was looked at as a small fragile dwarf rabbit that could be devoured anytime by a carnivore and she knew that. People pitied her and always tried to help her even when she did not need it.

People saw her as a meek rabbit. She hated that and so she used her sexuality to feel strong and independent.

haru outcast beastars 1

You have no control over how people see you or judge you. You will always be judged. Even when you change yourself to please others, there is no guarantee that their behaviour will change.

In Beastars, the herbivores blamed the carnivores when Tem was devoured. Does not seem fair to immediately blame a group of people.

People will always judge you based on your looks, and ethnicity. Carnivores were put in their place many times when a herbivore was the victim. Does that sound familiar?


2. You Are Responsible For Your Own Nature

legosi beastars

In Beastars, every animal is aware of their nature. Their strengths and weaknesses. Legosi was a wolf and was constantly fighting against his instinct and nature to prey upon smaller animals.

When he was around Haru his instincts kicked in. He knew that he could devour her at any time but he didn’t.

Knowing that you can hurt other people does not mean you should. This is what bullies do in school.

They prey upon whom they see as weak which is usually a geek or a nerd that doesn’t know how to fight back.

Let’s say for example: Would you go to the gym for months so that you can build muscle and then use that strength against people who are weaker than you.

That is called being abusive. In Beastars, we often saw the carnivores being the abusive ones especially when the Lion gang kidnapped Haru.

Your powers or nature should be used responsibly, like when Legosi used his Wolf strength to save Haru.


3. People have needs and they will do whatever it takes to meet those needs

beastars black market legosi

Up front, everyone pretends like they don’t want to eat each other. Carnivores put up a nice smile when around herbivores. Herbivores pretend to like carnivores. It goes both ways.

We see this in Legosi when he is lusting for Haru’s blood.

People will try to fulfil any physical need, especially emotional and sexual needs. We must forgive them for it because it is human nature. Rather than curse people for having certain needs, it is important that we pay attention to how they go about meeting those needs.

In the black market of Beastars for example: there were people selling their body parts to carnivores. No one was being forced against their will.

Understand that some needs are dark and you have them too.


4. Relationships Require Work. It’s not all fun and games

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Haru and Legosi is one of the most complex relationships we have seen in anime mainly because they are of different animal species. They are aware of their weaknesses and respect each other.

In the beginning when Haru was not sure what Legosi’s intentions were she still wanted to spend time with him and get to know him.

It took a long time for them to actually accept each other despite what people might say.

They argued, they avoided each other. Haru was even in denial of how she felt about him.

At the very end of season one, Legosi ran after Haru despite the fact that Juno wanted him. He was committed to Haru and no matter how much she denied it, Haru wanted Legosi as well.

The emotional connection between them was deep because they had gone through so much together. They knew it was difficult but they were not going to leave each other behind.

Relationships take work. Is not all fun and games. Is not all about pleasure and sex. If you want a serious relationship you have to talk things out. You have to keep the other person in mind.

Things will get difficult and you can’t just walk out on each other during such times.


5. You Are Not The Expectations of Society

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Haru and Legosi are polar opposites but they love each other. Haru is a rabbit and Legosi is a grey wolf. Commonly in Beastars, herbivores don’t date carnivores however, there was a deep attraction between these two and they wanted to be together.

Relating this to the real world, society is going to have many expectations of you and some people are going to try to stop you. They will say “You can’t be with this person because of,” whatever reason.

People will tell you what they think you should be doing rather than what you want to do.

At the end of the day, no matter what people say, you have to go after the things you want to do. Sure there are rules you have to follow but by listening to what society says and not taking any risk you will never learn anything.

Playing it save does not get you anywhere most of the time.

Legosi could have settled for Juno and they could have been a grey wolf couple (with nothing in common). Being with someone because your friends and family think you should.

Legosi and Haru’s relationship will grow and that is because Legosi decided to pursue her despite what anyone said.

Live to your expectations. Only you know what makes you happy.


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