In the anime industry you have:
- Anime that will make you laugh.
- Anime that will blow you away with its action.
- And clever anime with intelligent characters.
But some anime shows are dedicated to motivating you. And giving you something take inspiration from.
And then there are anime that motivate you indirectly, because of the hidden messages and multiple ways to interpret a story.
A thread on Reddit goes into this a little more. And there’s enough comments to share it as a post.
So here we are. Let’s talk about some
Reddit users reasons will be in “quotes”.
Anime That Will Motivate You To Live Better (According To Reddit)
1. Hajime no Ippo
Reddit comments:
“Hajime no Ippo if you want motivation to work out.”
2. Girls Last Tour
Girls Last Tour is a
Another user says:
“Comfy as hell with some good bits of philosophy thrown in and feels that come out of nowhere. I’d highly recommend it, especially if you’re looking for something that is a little slower and more calming.”
3. My Hero Academia
Reddit comments:
“Boku no Hero Academia has some really good messages. I’m thinking of “Indisputable first place” and “Those are the moments you have to smile”, sometimes when I face a challenge and remember those scenes they really help.”
4. Welcome To NHK
Reddit comments:
“It’s motivating in the sense that I don’t want to be like the main character at all. After the first episode, I ran out of my house and joined a gym. Been going for 4 months straight now, so I’m glad I’ve made one positive change in my life recently. Hopefully this show has similar effects to other people who see this series.”
5. Neon Genesis Evangelion
Reddit comments:
“I just recently finished Evangelion and it didn’t really hit me until the last episode how much I was able to connect to my own life. I’ve thought about the show every day since then and how I can use its philosophy to improve my own life.”
“Evangelion helped me realize how pernicious all entertainment is. Rejection and failure are constant in the roads of life, but the rewards are worth it. A sense of accomplishment, self-expression, human relationships. All the pain we suffer, those are the things that fuel our growth in the maturity of people. We go out into the world to express our humanity and in turn see our humanity evolve.”
Not everyone found this anime motivating, but it’s worth giving a try as it might work for you.
6. Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Reddit comments:
“Gurren Lagann motivated me in a pretty bad time in my life a lot and I know it did the same for some other people as well. But you have it on-hold and gave it a 5/10 so I don’t know if it just isn’t your kind of show.”
Related: 38 Of The Most Inspirational Quotes From Gurren Lagann To Give You Courage
7. The Tatami Galaxy
Reddit comments:
“The Tatami Galaxy is all about taking advantage of what’s in front of you.”
8. Clannad
Reddit comments:
“Clannad + After Story made me want to start acting more like an
adult .”
“As someone who got lazy in my second last year of
High School , this show motivated me to try harder at school, get a job. Move out of my house, and try to manage my life in a matter similar to Tomoya, even if things don’t always go right. I thought, if he can do it with what he’s been through, then I’ve got no excuses.
“Finished it yesterday, and it’s motivated me on my first day on a new job, and hopefully inspires me to stop slacking in school.”
Related: 40 Anime Quotes From Clannad You’ll Understand If You Watched The Anime
9. Yuru Camp
Reddit comments:
“Yuru Camp might motivate you to go outside and enjoy nature.”
“Every episode has left me wanting to go camping, and made me realise (decent) camping gear isn’t necessarily
expensive . I’ll probably try a few times when I get the chance (money), and see how it actually goes.”
10. Assassination Classroom
Reddit comments:
“Assassination Classroom moved me to want to be a better teacher and pay more attention to people even if they’re in my life for a short while. In other words, to be ready to be hurt by the pain of loss. I can get closed off from students because I know how much it hurts to say goodbye, but I’ve resolved to remind myself that it’s okay to feel that hurt.”
11. Sakura Quest
Reddit comments:
“Sakura Quest reminded me how even if a small town isn’t economically viable, the stories that people build there are worth cherishing, and if there’s hope for it to last, it’s worth trying. It really changed the way I felt about having to go out to the middle of nowhere to be with family. And of course, you can’t get anywhere without both trying your hardest and relying on others.”
12. Recovery Of An MMO Junkie
Reddit comments:
“Net-Juu No Susume made me feel a lot better about getting back into the dating scene, even while being Morimori-chan’s age. It’s going okay, actually.”
13. Oregairu
Reddit comments:
“Oregairu worked well with my therapy to help me be less pointlessly self-sacrificing and to remember to value myself for myself, something that a man absolutely struggles with.”
Related: The BEST Slice Of Life Anime
14. A Place Further Than The Universe
Reddit comments:
“I’d add Sora Yori to the list. This show makes me want to do something with the little youth I have left. Despite the age gap, I find it incredibly motivating and relatable -to the point where I feel positively devastated for wasting my 20s away.”
“I wrote a thread on A Place Further Than the Universe just a few days ago. I don’t know how old you are but as a college student about to graduate this show really spoke to me. The characters are charismatic and honestly super inspiring. I felt like it was a letter written to me encouraging me to challenge life and I may or may not have shed a tear or two. Anyways, I highly recommend you check it out. It’s airing this season (hope you don’t mind that!) and episode 5 just dropped so check it out!”
15. The Pet Girl of Sakurasou
Reddit comments:
“In hard times I rewatch Sakura-sou.
Not for
romance or drama, but for dream fuel. Mashiro is not right in the head, but her unrelenting passion fordrawing inspires me. She’s so consumed in her passion that even basic living necessities becomes secondary for her. It makes me feel stupid that I keep delaying things that are important and do shit that doesn’t really matter.”
16. Relife
Reddit comments:
“Try ReLIFE. It’s about a late twenties guy who has lost all motivation in life, and enters an experimental rehab program that allows him to relive a year of his youth, in a way. Heartwarming, funny, inspiring, relatable,
mature , it is one of my favorite rom-coms.”
Related: 12 Of The Funniest Rom Com Anime That Are English Dubbed
17. Your Lie In April
Reddit comments:
“Your lie in April. I’ve benefited so much as a person and a musician from watching that show.”
“That show made me really want to learn the piano again.”
18. K-On
Reddit comments:
“K-ON actually was a big part of what motivated me to make the most of my senior year in
high school and really focus on my friendships and looking on the brighter side of life.”
19. Kill La Kill
Reddit comments:
“Kill la kill, deeper message of the show is, don’t let your appearance stop you from doing what you want, embrace it and become one with it. Don’t let the views of the masses get to you.”
20. Usagi Drop
Reddit comments:
“Usagi Drop could persuade you to want kids and live happy family life. I know it’s easily said than done but for some people it could be the little push they need.”
“So far, there were 2 thing in this world that made me want to have a kid; Usagi Drop and The Last of Us.”
21. Fruits Basket
Reddit comments:
“Fruits Basket made me want to live better. While the
manga is wayy better than the anime and the anime is unfinished, the characters teach you many different lessons, whether it be to be kind and positive or to believe in yourself.”
Source: Reddit Anime Question
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Why naruto shippuden is not there?????
it has action packed motivated parts, but not enough to give its focus on the life motivating aspect throughout the whole series.
I get why most of the anime was put on this list, but MHA in particular is a downright stupid anime to put that high on a list like this, especially above anime such as NHK, Tatami Galaxy, and Evangelion.
I literally cried multiple times when watching BNHA and it also helped me go through some really dark times in my life, so if we’re talking about animes that motivate you, BNHA is a really good one.
And it’s not stupid, just a good generic shonen. There are better written ones and better animated ones, but BNHA still does a pretty good job when compared to most other animes from the genre.
life lesson with uramichi oniisan is the best motival anime i ever watch . everyone should give that a try