Shonen anime waifus are some of the most common you’ll see in anime. The reason is simple. Shonen is the biggest genre of anime, with the most famous anime shows of all time (arguably).
This makes the:
- Waifus.
- Women.
- Female characters.
And female protagonists of these series more:
- Known.
- Respected.
- Desired.
- Admired.
And talked about online in various forums, comment sections, and more.
Let’s talk about the best shonen waifus who deserve some credit.
Here’s a list.
1. Ochako Uraraka (My Hero Academia)
Ochaco Uraraka has always been an interesting female character, especially as one of many Shone waifus you could choose from.
Her ONE goal has always been to take care of her family, financially, so they can live more happily, freely, and with less stress because of her upbringing.
Her goal was the most practical of all characters in the series, with no idealism or heroism attached.
She’s pragmatic, attractive, thoughtful, and a likeable person who many fans would consider marriage material.
2. Nobara Kugisaki (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Nobara Kugisaki had most of her hype during the first season of Jujutsu Kaisen. This is when she was at her peak as a female character, and when various websites and bloggers were praising her as a Shonen female character breaking stereotypes.
Hype aside, it was mostly true. Nobara holds her own and plays a vital part in the JJK series, but this diminishes in the second season you could argue.
As a character, she is most definitely shonne waifu material among the sea of many.
Related: Jujutsu Kaisen Female Characters, And Why They’re Written So Well
3. Shinoa Hiiragi (Owari No Seraph)
Shinoa is the sarcastic female protagonist you don’t tend to see in many Shonen anime. She’s sarcastic, easygoing, laid back, and doesn’t take much too seriously including herself.
This makes her smarter than average and she can easily tease others, knowing which buttons to push to get the reaction she wants.
That said, she is also a serious person when it comes down to it and is a loyal member of her new group fighting off the vampires who threaten the existence of humans on Earth.
4. Lucy Heartfilia (Fairy Tail)
Lucy is an obvious choice in the shonen world. Many wouldn’t disagree with her being one of the best shoenn waifus of all time.
She is simply too attractive for many reasons.
- Personality.
- Characteristics.
- Empathetic.
- Compassionate.
- Understanding.
- Quite intelligent.
- Useful.
And of course, she’s got a banging body which doesn’t hurt.
She’s one of the more underrated characters of Fairy Tail that many complain about without understanding he rrole and how vital it has been on many occasions.
Relevant: Lucy Heartfilia Character Analysis
5. Chi Chi (Dragon Ball Z)
Chi-Chi is another female character in Shonen who is often misunderstood for many different reasons.
She starts off falling for Goku after Goku promises her something, thinking it was “food” at the time, and long story short they end up married and becoming one of the most wholesome couples in Shonen (mostly).
Chi-chi is seen to have a temper and to be pushy with making sure her kids become functioning members of society, which any sane and loving mother would want.
She holds down the fort, and if not for her, Goku would be partially helpless in “normal” circumstances outside of fighting and alien stuff.
6. Fuuko Izumo (Undead Unluck)
Fuuko is from the underrated anime of Undead Unluck, adapted from a manga. She wears a red hat that says “good luck”, which is in reference to her bad luck (she curses anyone who touchers her), and also her optimism for wanting good things to happen regardless.
She’s introverted, familiar to those who are Otakus, has strong determination and maybe “too” kind.
7. Lenalee Lee (D. Gray Man)
Lenalee is an often forgotten character from D.Gray Man. She has green hair, a fiery personality, and a loyalty that can’t be bought.
She is the Pre-Erza of Shonen with the same amount of so called “bad-assery” and strength with personality and looks to match.
8. Benio Adashino (Twin Star Exorcist)
Benio is another shonen character many won’t think about as quickly as others. She’s one of the best female characters in Shonen in terms of personality, character. ability, and the whole package.
The anime itself isn’t as popular as others but is still known by various fans in certain circles.
She is worthy of the label of waifu material.
9. Hinata Hyuga (Naruto)
Hinata Hyuga goes without saying. She stuck with Naruto from beginning until end, and never once waivered with her loyalty, compassion, and desire.
Even while dealing with her own visible problems as part of the Hyuga clan.
Hinata will always be praised as one of Shonen’s greatest waifus.
10. Maki Oze (Fire Force)
Maki Oze is one of the most likeable characters out of Fire Force and for good reason. She’s the so called “tough girl” of the group who as trained in the military and has muscles to show it.
But she is more girly in reality as she’s into very cute things, plushies, and the like.
In combat, her martial arts and style of fighting are one of the anime’s “battle” highlights.
11. Morgiana (Magi: Labyrinth Of Magic)
Morgiana is the marroon-haired shonen character from MAGI, who was once a slave until she finally freed herself from her mental shackles (and physical).
Her main strength is with fighting despite how she may appear. She has the power to kick a lion and crush it, making her physically one of the most powerful female characters based on raw strength alone.
Despite her strength, she is actually a gentle person.
12. Winry Rockbell (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Winry Rockbell is the star of FMA when it comes to its female cast. She is a mechanic. She can fix things and always does when she’s needed which is a lot of the time.
She has a passion for doing this sort of stuff, making her a “tomboy” in this sense. But she has her feminine ways as well.
13. Mitsuri Kanroji (Demon Slayer)
Mitsuri, voiced by the same voice actress as Eiko from Dark Gathering, and Satou Matsuzaka from Happy Sugar Life, is optimistic, bubbly, cheerful, and extroverted like the others.
She can be awkward and can seem weird giving her abnormal strength as a woman, but she is also relatable and easy to connect with.
She may be the most “normal” Hashira from Demon Slayer.
14. Ryuu Lion (Danmachi)
Ryuu has always been a strong character in Danmachi, and one everyone has respected for the most part. But she was always mysterious which changed little by little as the seasons passed by.
She carries a lot of trauma, a lot of which she has seemingly overcome and better dealt with. On top of that, she still manages to have some kindness despite her understandable anger and emotional wounds.
Ryu is an elf woman.
15. Mine (Akame Ga Kill)
Mine, the so called “bad-ass sniper genius” uses a weapon she calls Pumpkin. It’s an imperial arms, a specially made weapon that converts danger into energy which is then shot out of her rifle.
While she may appear to have an attitude, she’s simply straightforward and isn’t the type to hold back. But not out of bad intentions or to be mean-spirited.
16. Power (Chainsaw Man)
Power is one of the most favourite and liked characters in Chainsaw Man. She is seen as Denji’s double, the yin to his yang, his twin, and so on.
Their personalities complement each other and when they’re together they share the same brain cells.
Jokes aside, Power will always be a memorable Shonen character, especially among females.
17. Gina Chamber (Undead Unluck)
Gina Chamber is the girl who initially locked up Andy, the male MC of the series until he escaped. But she fell in love with him and that love never died.
She can be seen as unstable on the surface but all becomes clear after the fact when her past, her thoughts, and her story are laid bare for all to see. Along with her pain and struggles.
Gina is a girl who is stuck between a rock and a hard place, and as far as her abilities go, she is one of the most powerful.
18. Android 18 (Dragon Ball Z)
Android 18 used to be a fearful character in the DBZ universe. In Trunk’s timeline, she was a menace. In the main timeline, she embarrasses Vegeta and puts him in his place.
Krillin fell in love with her, which evolved into something later unexpectedly.
She has always been one of the women of DBZ many loved for her looks, fashion, beauty, strength, character, and her family-loving nature we see down the line as a Shonen waifu!
19. Rukia Kuchiki (Bleach)
Rukia Kuchiki is the main girl of Bleach and will always be one of the most likeable in the franchise. She started early after meeting Ichigo, and that has never changed as far as her relevance and importance.
On the surface, she is more like a tomboy, with short black hair, but that doesn’t take away from her femininity, strength, hard work, and progress throughout the series.
20. Misa Amane (Death Note)
Misa Amane is a character you like or not so much. She is the woman who steps into Light’s life, and in some ways, shakes things up and puts some pressure on him.
She’s a woman who loves a man deeply regardless of what that man may be up to, which is considered wrong or immoral. That makes her love pure but controversial.
21. Shiemi Moriyama (Blue Exorcist)
Shiemi is the gentle girl from Blue Exorcist. She can be compared to Orihime from Bleach.
She wears a Kimono and Yukata, has a kind personality, and isn’t someone geared towards fighting but she does have the power to play her role where needed and useful.
Strictly speaking, she is waifu material.
22. Levy Mcgarden (Fairy Tail)
Levy starts out fairly strong in the Fairy Tail series, more so after Gajeel’s defeat. She is the first to accept Gajeel despite his past mistakes, which starts the process of healing and redemption for Gajeel.
It also starts the process of their relationship and Gajeel becoming one of the most likeable characters in Fairy Tail.
Levy is an understanding person and you could say that comes from her high intellect and also her emotional intelligence.
She’s smart, reliable, and a person everyone counts on. Her critical thinking skills and her bravery are a nice mix that makes her stand out.
23. Bulma (Dragon Ball Z)
Bulma has to be mentioned since what would Sonne be without a character like her? Especially if we talk about shonne waifus in particular.
She starts out promiscuous in the early days of Dragon Ball if we’re being honest about it. Not the most “ladylike” character.
Over time she matures as she gets into her twenties and after seeing a whole bunch being associated with Goku, Piccolo, and eventually Vegeta and others.
Bulma blossoms into a waifu of a high calibre. But not one who will take disrespect lying down or one who won’t defend herself when the time is right.
She’s also one of the most intelligent characters in all of anime, having built spaceships, high-tech devices, all a result of her father who is also bright and a scientist.
Honorable Mentions:
- Haruhime (Danmachi).
- Kale (Dragon Ball Super).
- Erza Scarlet (Fairy Tail).
- Juvia Lockser (Fairy Tail).
- Tenten (Naruto).
- Lina Inverse (Slayers).
- Kagome Higurashi (Inuyasha).
15+ Shoujo Waifu’s With Likable Qualities