Kazuma Satou Anime Wallpaper

The Greatest Kazuma Satou Quotes Fans Won’t Forget!

Kazuma Satou is the famous Isekai protagonist who breaks the mold, shuns convention, and promotes gender equality.

The kind of guy who won’t stand for double standards and has his own mind without needing to pander or “fit in”.

Even though Konosuba is a bit of a joke as it is (parody), Kazuma’s quotes range from serious, to daft, and everything else in general.

Here’s Kazuma’s BEST from the Konosuba series!


Kazuma Satou Quotes

Kazuma Satou quotes

“I yearn for true gender equality. I have no patience for one who talks about female privilege when it suits them, and then complains about someone “not being a man” when it’s convenient.” – Kazuma Satou


Kazuma Satou quotes

“This sunlight is my worst enemy after three straight all-nighters.” – Kazuma Satou


Kazuma Satou quotes

“What about the girl I pushed out of harms way? Thank goodness. That means my death wasn’t in vain.” – Kazuma Satou


Kazuma Satou quotes

“I’ve never even met this girl before. What’s her deal?” – Kazuma Satou


Kazuma Satou quotes

“If I’m going to a world where magic exists, I absolutely have to try it out!” – Kazuma Satou


Kazuma Satou quotes

“Getting all cocky just because she’s a little bit cute.” – Kazuma Satou


Kazuma Satou quotes

“Any gullible fool who gets tricked has himself to blame.” – Kazuma Satou


Kazuma Satou quotes

“To my teacher at school. I’m currently learning in a parallel world… The workings of its society, what it is to be human, and what it means to be alive. It makes me grateful that all the wonderful events transpiring here make me grow as a person. I’m so grateful, it makes me tear up. There isn’t a single night I haven’t soaked my pillow in tears. Uh, I mean that in a good way. A good way, okay?” – Kazuma Satou


Kazuma Satou quotes

“How does it feel to get dragged away with the guy you treated like a total idiot?” – Kazuma Satou


Kazuma Satou quotes

“You’ve been designated as the one thing I’ll be bringing along, so if you’re a goddess, use your godly powers or whatever to make my life as easy as possible!” – Kazuma Satou


Kazuma Satou quotes

“What am I going to do if everyone thinks I’m friends with a crazy woman?” – Kazuma Satou


Kazuma Satou quotes

“This isn’t how I imagined life in a parallel world would be.” – Kazuma Satou


Kazuma Satou quotes

“The negative effects of my long life as a shut-in are kicking in now?” – Kazuma Satou


Kazuma Satou quotes

“This is just too stimulating for an adolescent virgin like me. Stay calm… Don’t be seduced by her womanly charms!” – Kazuma Satou


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24+ Of The Greatest Happy Sugar Life Quotes That Go Deep

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One thought on “The Greatest Kazuma Satou Quotes Fans Won’t Forget!

  1. Raymond says:

    Well I think the konosuba anime is kind of good well not good it’s great I watch season one and season 2 and they’re both great I was on watch the movie openly even make the third season soon but people don’t like this anime they should be watching it because people shouldn’t be talking about a anime that they never seen before or read about it so are you activist and leftist who don’t like anime just stick with your own crap okay and leave us otaku fans alone

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