Anime role models are positive figures, characters, and people who lead others down the right path. Or at least try to.
They have good intentions, and they always put their best foot forward to lead by example through their actions, not just words.
These bleach anime role models fit that description. Both male and female bleach characters are included.
Let’s make a list!
1. Ichigo Kurosaki
Ichigo Kurosaki, the main protagonist of Bleach, has to be included in this list for too many reasons. One of them being his moral standing and his simple goal to “help his friends”.
He’s a BRO by definition.
One thing that’s likeable about Ichigo is how straightforward he is, the complete opposite of a snake or a fake person who only wants to appear to be a certain way in public.
All around likeable character and one of Shonen’s BEST.
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2. Kisuke Urahara
Kisuke Urahara is the sarcastic type. He’s always easygoing, relaxed, laid back, and hard to figure out his motives because of his tendency to hide behind his sarcastic remarks.
This is also partially why he’s so intelligent. He understands people and observes well, and is a creator, inventor and scientist that even his rivals are forced to respect (Mayuri).
He does all this without having an ego and is self confident while always having positive intentions despite how he appears on the surface.
3. Chad (Sado)
Chad as he is called more so in the dubbed version of Bleach, he is a character of a few words. A true introvert. The type who doesn’t mince his words.
He thinks a lot and is introspective and sometimes unintentionally funny.
Besides Ichigo’s friends like Tatsuki, Chad is not just a role model, but a character with his own likeable traits different to others.
4. Jushiro Ukitake
Jushiro Ukitake is a man who has always been sick from young, which is explained further in Thousand Year Blood War Arc (TYBW Arc).
He is equal to Shunsui in strength and they are the most powerful, skilled soul reapers (arguably) and the OG’s of the Gotei 13 next to Yamamoto.
Jushiro might be the kindest captain there is, and the one who is genuinely nice, thoughtful, and compassionate despite his strength, skills, and ability to fight the strongest of fighters.
He’s the kind of person everyone goes to for advice or to vent as he’s willing to listen and help out.
5. Rukia Kuchiki
Rukia Kuchiki is the anime’s most loved female character, arguably. She shows up in Ichigo’s life by what seems like chance, and the two’s relationship blossoms to be wholesome and hilarious.
She is an adopted sister and is part of the Kuchiki clan. She grew up “rough” in the Rukon district, which shaped her personality, morals, ethics, and her so-called tomboy-ish nature.
Out of all the soul reapers who aren’t captains, Rukia is easily one of the strongest and is one of Bleach’s most relevant and memorable characters of all time.
6. Sajin Komamura
The “dog” man who we see change over the course of Bleach, especially in the TYBW arc, is a humble man and one who initially hides his face.
He is from a certain clan which is unlike all other soul reapers, but he is respected none the less and isn’t an arrogant, selfish kind of person in the slightest.
He is a friend for life, loyal, and has one of the most balanced mindsets of all Bleach characters.
7. Tatsuki Arisawa
Tatsuki is Ichigo’s good friend and is also a best friend of Orihime Inoue. She comes across as brash but is very caring and is irritated by people who hide things from her.
Or in the case of Ichigo, people who aren’t being straight with her and filling her in on the details. She sees it as if they don’t think she is capable of helping out.
Of all the human characters, Tatsuki is not only a good role model (for the women of Bleach as well), but she has one of the best characteristics.
8. Toshiro Hitsugaya
Toshiro Hitsugaya is the prodigy of Bleach, or at least he was in the first season of Bleach. He’s the youngest captain and sometimes has a temper.
In general though, he is on point as a leader and as a captain when it comes to leading his squad, making decisions, and has the skills to fight some of the strongest.
His main weakness (in the past) was his emotions, but he has good morals and is a role model character in Bleach.
9. Soi Fon
Soi Fon can be compared to other soul reapers in Bleach when it comes to their seriousness, their willingness to do whatever it takes, and how they aggressively uphold rules, morals, and ethics.
She’s the leader of the stealth force and has a zanpakuto that is designed for assassinations rather than sword fights.
Being one of the fastest soul reapers and one of its most balanced fighters, Soi Fon deserves a place on this list if not for the fact her moral code is unmatched (a good role model).
10. Isshin Kurosaki
Isshin Kurosaki is the father of Ichigo Kurosaki. He is the man of the household since his wife, Ichigo’s mother, died at the hands of a hollow.
He clowns around when at home and taking care of the family, but in battle and when in soul reaper mode, he changes slightly and becomes serious.
He’s one of the strongest characters in Bleach and of course, is one of its best role models despite the way he appears on the surface at times.
11. Byakuya Kuchiki
Some may call Byakuya too uptight when it comes to upholding certain values of the Kuchiki clan, the law, or the soul society.
Some may see the opposite, that it makes him respectful, a better person, and a man of value, etc.
The fact is these qualities, though not perfectly, make him a good anime role model and one of the best role models from BLEACH.
He leads by example and never is the type to talk big and not back it up by his actions. He always puts in the work and has the best intentions for those around him.
Though he can be uptight to a degree, he has a strong moral code and an ethical character. It’s one of this best character traits.
He’s also one of the introverts of Bleach.
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