The Best Ecchi Anime Quotes Of All Time (recommended) (1)

The BEST Ecchi Anime Quotes Of All Time (Genre)

Ecchi anime quotes are taken from various shows:

  • High School DxD.
  • Haganai.
  • To Love Ru.
  • Monster Musume.

And many more familiar ecchi anime shows.

Similar to regular quotes, the quotes you see in ecchi anime reflect characters:

  • Personality.
  • Traits.
  • Mindset.
  • Ideas.
  • Moments.

And other things, with the exception that it’s being said in an ecchi context.

Here’s a list for those who LOVE Ecchi anime!


Best ecchi anime quotes:

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1. Medaka Box


Najimi Ajimu Quotes

Najimi Ajimu quotes

“God, just how long are they going to squabble over such pointless things? They are all the same in my eyes. Nothing but a bunch of trash. Light and Darkness. Good and Evil. Poison and Antidote. Winning and Losing. Strength and Weakness. Black and White. Success and Failure. Happiness or Sorrow… They’re all the same after all. Why hasn’t everyone realized this already.” – Najimi Ajimu


najimi ajimu quotes
najimi ajimu quotes

“Comics that go longer than ten volumes just coast on their success. At least that’s my theory. And this has already gone three volumes over that. So just watch. I’ll end this manga before the anime starts.” – Najimi Ajimu


Medaka Kurokami Quotes

medaka kurokami quotes

“Those who win are not strong. It is those who lose and crawl back up who are strong.” – Medaka Kurokami


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“To enjoy what one loves to do”. Those words come easily from the mouth. But it’s another thing to help them grow.” – Medaka Kurokami


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“It is meaningless to distinguish between the beautiful and the ugly, or between the talented and the ordinary. Every human struggles to survive.” – Medaka Kurokami


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“You shouldn’t judge a person based on circumstantial evidence.” – Medaka Kurokami


2. Yosuga No Sora


Akira Amatsume Quotes

akira amatsume quotes 1

“I’m scared of being alone again. I don’t want to lose something precious again… that’s why I don’t want to fall in love.” – Akira Amatsume


Nao Yorihime Quotes

nao yorihime quotes

“I still think of what might have happened if I had been just a little more courageous that time.” – Nao Yorihime


3. Kill La Kill


Nui Harime Quotes

Nui Harime Quotes

“Gosh, everyone seems to be having so much fun!” – Nui Harime


Nui Harime Quotes 1

“Hate and love are two sides of the same coin. It’s like a finely-tailored suit with a food sturdy stitching. In other words, the deeper the hatred, the deeper the love grows.” – Nui Harime


Uzu Sanageyama Quotes

Uzu Sanageyama Quotes


“I’m gonna show you what happens when you force a man to change.” – Uzu Sanageyama


Mako Mankanshoku Quotes

Mako Mankanshoku Quotes

“Ryuko, Senketsu isn’t your only friend! Remember, you also have me!” – Mako Mankanshoku


Mako Mankanshoku quotes 2

“Just rip it off and get naked!” – Mako Mankanshoku


Senketsu Quotes

Senketsu quotes

“There comes a time when a girl outgrows her sailor uniform.” – Senketsu


Ryuko Matoi Quotes

Ryuko Matoi quotes

“I’m not the usual Ryuko Matoi right now. I’m a Ryuko Matoi who is fixated on seeing what she wants almost within reach.” – Ryuko Matoi


Ryuko Matoi Quotes 1

“I won’t sacrifice the lives of others to achieve my goal.” – Ryuko Matoi


Ryuko Matoi quotes 2

“Blow it out your ass, bitch! It’s gonna take a hell of a lot more than you to stop me!” – Ryuko Matoi


Ryuko Matoi Quotes 4

“To hell with your opinion. I’ll take my own path no matter what anyone else says.” – Ryuko Matoi


Ryuko Matoi Quotes 3

“If you don’t try to win with everything you have, it’ll come back to bite you.” – Ryuko Matoi


Ira Gamagoori Quotes

Ira Gamagoori quotes 2

“The instant I reach my climax, the power that has been building up inside me will burst out all at once.” – Ira Gamagoori


Satsuki Kiryuin Quotes

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“A castle that vanishes at the first gust of wind is worthless.” – Satsuki Kiryuin


Satsuki Kiryuin quotes

“Fear is freedom. Subjugation is liberation. Contradiction is truth. These are the facts of this world. And you will all surrender to them, you pigs in human clothing!” – Satsuki Kiryuin


Satsuki Kiryuin

“A skyscraper built within your mind will never fall down.” – Satsuki Kiryuin


Satsuki Kiryuin quotes 1

“In the name of human liberation, your life is forfeit!” – Satsuki Kiryuin


Satsuki Kiryuin 14

“As long as there is breath left in me, Satsuki Kiryuin has a chance at victory!.” – Satsuki Kiryuin


Satsuki Kiryuin Quotes 2

“This is the form in which a Kamui is able to unleash the most power! The fact that you are embarrassed by the values of the masses only proves how small you are! If it means fulfilling her ambitions, Satsuki Kiryūin will show neither shame nor hesitation, even if she bares her breasts for all the world to see!” – Satsuki Kiryuin


Satsuki Kiryuin 13

“The Lioness will use all her strength even when hunting a rabbit.” – Satsuki Kiryuin


Satsuki Kiryuin 11

“I understand now. The world is not cut from the same cloth. It’s because it is overflowing with inexplicable, unidentifiable things that the world is so beautiful.” – Satsuki Kiryuin


Satsuki Kiryuin 9

“Ask not the sparrow how the eagle soars.” – Satsuki Kiryuin


Satsuki Kiryuin 7

“It is not money that rules men, it’s fear.” – Satsuki Kiryuin


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“It is we who shall pave the way to humanity’s future.” – Satsuki Kiryuin


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“Great causes are always fueled by personal desire.” – Satsuki Kiryuin


Satsuki Kiryuin 1

“Those who lack resolve are incapable of even wiping away their own tears.” – Satsuki Kiryuin


Rei Hououmaru Quotes

Rei Hououmaru quotes

“This world is full of injustice! It’s a place where the strong trample the weak every day! That is the truth about the stupid human race!” – Rei Hououmaru


4. Food Wars


Soma Yukihira Quotes

Soma Yukihira Quotes 4

“This is just my opinion but…I feel that those who recognize one right way will never go beyond and reach truly amazing things. But more importantly… the journey is no fun if you know where you are going.” -Soma Yukihira


Soma Yukihira Quotes 5

“Repeating trial and error and failing many times… it’s that process which makes the dishes shine.” – Soma Yukihira


Alice Nakiri Quotes

Alice Nakiri Quotes

“Cooking is an art itself. It’s something that shines more beautifully as you hone it.” – Alice Nakiri


 Kojiro Shinomiya Quotes

Kojiro Shinomiya quotes

“If you want to grow, just look above you. There are plenty of people perfect to serve as fodder for your growth.” – Kojiro Shinomiya


5. Date A Live


Kotori Itsuka Quotes

kotori itsuka quotes

“You believe what someone says even when you’ve seen the contrary to be true? If you want my two cents that seems like a fast way to make a fool of yourself.” – Kotori Itsuka


Kurumi Tokisaki Quotes

kurumi tokisaki quotes

“You were ready to kill another creature, yet you’re scared of being killed yourself. Don’t you think that is strange? When you point a gun at a living thing… this is what that act means.” – Kurumi Tokisaki


6. Mushoku Tensei


Roxy Migurdia Quotes

Roxy Migurdia Quotes (2)

“Idiot parents who think their kid has talent just because he’s an early bloomer.” – Roxy Migurdia


Rudeus Greyrat Quotes

Rudeus Greyrat Quotes (3)

“The worse I am at something, the better I feel when I work at it and learn how to do it.” – Rudeus Greyrat


Rudeus Greyrat Quotes (4)

“I know how she feels. That’s how I ran away in my old life. But I know she’ll regret it someday.” – Rudeus Greyrat


7. No Game No Life


Sora Quotes

No Game No Life Quotes

“Life is not a game of luck. If you wanna win, work hard.” – Sora


sora quotes no game no life

“There is more than one way to win a game. You can win without fighting!” – Sora


sora quotes no game no life 1

“It’s our job as normal people to ensure the potential of those misunderstood ones are realized.” – Sora


sora quotes no game no life 2

“Accept that because we were born with nothing, we can become anything!” – Sora


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“Because of our weakness, we trained our eyes, ears and the ability to think. Learning how to survive, that’s our trait as humans! The human species can’t use magic and can’t even perceive it – but because we are weak, we have the wisdom to run away from magic and the intelligence to see through it. We don’t have any extraordinary senses. But because we are weak, by learning and gaining experience, we gained the wisdom to achieve the unachievable.” – Sora


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“That’s why we’ll never win.’ If that’s what you’re thinking, you’re doomed to fail.” – Sor


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“What kind of king makes his men fight at the front line while he sits behind them relaxing?” – Sor


8. Asterisk War


Julis Alexia Von Riessfeld  Quotes

Julis Alexia Van riessfeld quotes

“I too will obtain everything that I desire. Not because someone asked me to do it, but because I know in my heart that I have something worth fighting for.” – Julis


9. High School Of The Dead


Kouta Hirano Quotes

Anime Motivation Quotes 10

“Humans don’t see what they don’t want to see. No one wants to be put down. That’s why people do nothing even when they do know something is happening.” – Kouta Hirano


Saeko Busujima Quotes

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“Protecting a man’s pride… is a woman’s duty.” – Saeko Busujima


Saya Takagi Quotes

saya takagi quotes 2

“I hate stupid people. I especially hate the ones who aren’t aware of their own stupidity.” – Saya Takagi


10. Chilvary Of A Failed Knight


Ayase Ayatsuji Quotes

Ayase Ayatsuji quotes

“Righteousness without results is just caprice.” – Ayase Ayatsuji


11. Haganai: I Don’t Have Many Friends


Kodaka Hasegawa Quotes

kodaka hasegawa quotes

“Judging things based on looks alone… That’s just cruel.” – Kodaka Hasegawa


Kodaka Hasegawa Quotes 1

“It sucks to be judged just by how you look. It sucks hardcore.” – Kodaka Hasegawa


Kodaka Hasegawa Quotes 2

“For whatever reason people think if you don’t have any friends there’s something wrong with you.” – Kodaka Hasegawa


12. Monogatari


Koyomi Araragi Quotes

koyomi araragi quotes 17

“There’s no point in having physical strength alone. The real deal needs to have mental strength and will.” – Koyomi Araragi


koyomi araragi quotes 18

“The first requirement of being a hero isn’t being right. It’s being strong. That’s why the hero always wins.” – Koyomi Araragi

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Meme Oshino Quotes

meme oshino quotes 1

“No person exists that is just virtuous, and kindness is only something piled on the outside. There are no humans with just virtue and fairness. Rather, they try to be that and just build up stress.” – Meme Oshino


Senjougaharaa Hitagi Quotes

Senjougahara Hitagi quotes

“Curiosity is like a cockroach. It likes to stumble upon secrets that are supposed to stay hidden.” – Senjougahara Hitagi


13. Monster Musume Quotes


Rachnera Arachnera Quotes

Rachnera Arachnera quotes 5

“So you’re trying to accept everyone and their feelings, aren’t you? I think you already know this, but if you keep trying to do this “accepting” thing with everyone, you’re liable to be torn to bits.” – Rachnera Arachnera


Miia Quotes

miia monster musume quotes

“When I first came here…you know, we Lamias are shy about meeting new people. I’m half-snake… so I was worried that you’d be scared of me. But you weren’t bothered by my snake body. In fact you went out of your way for me. And accepted me with a smile.” – Miia


miia monster musume quotes 2

“Welcome home, Darling! What would you like to do first? Dinner? A bath? Or me?” – Miia



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