Angry Fan Sets Bleach Manga on Fire After Tite Kubo Seemingly Criticizes Jujutsu Kaisen Characters |
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Angry Fan Sets Bleach Manga on Fire After Tite Kubo Seemingly Criticizes Jujutsu Kaisen Characters

Remember when My Hero Academia fans were burning the manga in 2020? That was over a misunderstanding which caused a lot of “woke” outrage.

Seems like it was so long ago.

Now the same thing is happening with the BLEACH manga by Tite Kubo.

The outrage started after Tite Kubo’s recent interview.


Tite Kubo’s thoughts on Jujutsu Kaisen

kubo interview jujutsu kaisen characters |

In part of a recent interview with Tite Kubo, the author of BLEACH, the interviewer asked a question about JJK.

In response (when translated) Kubo says:

“I cannot find any attractive women in Jujutsu Kaisen.” – Tite Kubo

As usual with the WOKE Twitter crowd and those who lack comprehension skills, they’re taking everything out of context.

They didn’t bother to read through the ENTIRE interview and have fallen victim to cherry picking. And are even burning their Bleach manga.

It’s said some have even shed a few tears in the process and cried a river that would make Justin Timberlake jealous.


twitter fan burning manga bleach |


Out of context

jujutsu kaisen tite kubo twitter interview |

As shown by the image, the full context can be seen here. Fans cherry picked a piece of the interview and ran with it.

That was simply a lie which the truth has exposed in black and white.

“I believe the women characters in Jujutsu Kaisen perfectly match the readers demand.”

He’s speaking to the point of some anime fans wanting certain aspects when it comes to female characters In JJK in particular.

Even this is apparently NOT the 100% correct translation. So it wasn’t the best reflection of his points.

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The same thing happened some weeks back when Crunchyroll announced a new anime series.

The translation was inaccurate, and fans went ballistic just before Crunchyroll deleted the Tweet in a flash.

If people stopped:

  • Outraging over nothing
  • Crying over spilt milk
  • Looking for context
  • Used critical thinking

Then cancel culture, and the toxicity that comes with it would die overnight.

That’s asking a little too much though. This is just one more reason why some people avoid the anime community.

Especially on Twitter.

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