KissAnime Officially Taken Down FOREVER By Copyright Holders scaled

KissAnime Officially Taken Down FOREVER By Copyright Holders!

KissAnime, the pirate 100’s of millions of fans have been using for the past decade has come to an end.

In the past 24 hours (less) KissAnime left a message on their discord server about it.

kissanime discord announcement

The message reads:

“Our beta servers have been taken down, this could lead to the close of the website. We will make more announcement after we have the decision.”

This message was posted at 5AM, not sure what timezone.

It was assumed by this message that they were gonna solve the problem and be back up and running again.

But then this happened:

“All files are taken down by copyright owners. KissManga and KissAnime will be closed forever. Thank you for your supports Thank you for those years.” – KissAnime

As the 2nd message on their discord server implies, KissAnime has been closed forever.

All of their files, videos and more have been taken down FOR GOOD.

This is proven by their website:

kissanime ru

When you go to KissAnime.Ru (their website), the message with a white screen pops up.

It says:

“All files are taken down by copyright owners. The site will be closed forever. Thank you for your supports.”

Pikachu nodding gif

So yes – the news is OFFICIAL.

Go to the website for yourself and you’ll see.

It may or may not show up straight away because of your browser cache, but somehow I doubt it.

KissAnime won’t be coming back. And this is the beginning of similar sized sites being taken down,potentially.

News source: Reddit



The Anime Industry Has A SERVICE Problem, Not A “Piracy” Problem

KissAnime, 9Anime, & 35 Anime Pirate Sites To Be BLOCKED By Disney In India!

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7 thoughts on “KissAnime Officially Taken Down FOREVER By Copyright Holders!

  1. Anno says:

    This reminds me how a certain torrent search engine got down, just to have another very similar one with a different name just one week later.

  2. OtakuNik says:

    The law says 
    Downloading and streaming anime from such sites are chargeable 

    I’m thinking to switch to another site
    Is this law is also applicable for outside Japan?

    Even if no one is copyright owner in my country for that particular anime 

    I preferably watch anime on Netflix and Crunchyroll 
    But in India very limited content is available due to licensing and censor issues 

    So, we don’t have an opinion, I watch anime on this sites only if they are not available in my country. 
    (Only 6% anime library is available in India on Crunchyroll + Netflix)

    If they make it available on single or 2-3 platforms I’m ready to pay, but we demand 100% library of anime from 1963 to ongoing as it is from Japan

    Is this law is also applicable for outside Japan? (Please reply)

    • Anime Motivation says:

      Probably. Those domains are only mirrors so either they’ll never get updated again, or they’ll disappear.

    • Anime Motivation says:

      You’re using fake Kissanime mirrors, so you’re not very bright my child. The real one is long and gone.

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