The Greatest Happy Sugar Life Quotes That Go Deep scaled

24+ Of The Greatest Happy Sugar Life Quotes That Go Deep

Happy Sugar Life Quotes taken from characters:

  • Shio Kobe.
  • Satou Matsuzaka.
  • Satou’s Aunt.
  • Asahi Kobe.

Happy Sugar Life is a horror/psychological anime with characters who are victims to something. And that plays a role in the madness and messed up themes.

In between the madness there’s depth, and relevant quotes that are true to life, despite context or content.

Here’s some of the best lines from the anime series!


Happy Sugar Life Quotes:


1. Asahi Kobe Quotes

Asahi Kobe quotes

I wish this world was a place wherekind people were rewarded for their kindness.” – Asahi Kobe


2. Satou Matsuzaka Quotes

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“Even if it’s for love, it’s wrong to deceive the people we love. It’s wrong to lie about love. So…there’s no need to tell Shio about that. Because…because, it’s not a crime. Right, God?” – Satou Matsuzaka


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You just want women to give you pleasure. You just like the excitement of the risk of being found out. If you want excitement that bad, then shall I back you into a corner? Do you want me to tell your wife and tear apart your family? Do you want me to tell the school and have you disciplined? I’m not even the first student you’ve touched am I? You’re trash.” – Satou Matsuzaka


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I can’t go on like this. I’ll go crazy!” – Satou Matsuzaka


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You taught that kid the wrong idea about love. That’s why you have a responsibility to pay me back. A responsibility to help me. Take responsibility for doing this to me.” – Satou Matsuzaka


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I didn’t know…what warmth felt like. What kindness was. And more than anything else… I couldn’t understand what love was. It’s all thanks to Shio-chan. It’s because Shio-chan took my hand that one time. Shio-chan led me. I learned what happiness meant for the first time in my life. I never understood love before. But Shio-chan is the one who taught me what love means. I see! This is an even deeper feeling for Shio-chan…. I… finally…. Shio-chan, I hope you still love me when we’re reborn. I’m sorry…and thanks.” – Satou Matsuzaka


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“You should have controlled yourself too. Then neither of us would have to go through this.” – Satou Matsuzaka


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“I was always alone. Always numb. Something was always missing. I was always sad. I thought I would end up dying alone. But I was wrong. Shio-chan found me and proved me wrong!” – Satou Matsuzaka


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“The sugar is filling me up. I’m so happy to be alive.” – Satou Matsuzaka


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“Love is different for every person. The way it shines is different. But anyone can receive it. Once you experience it, your heart feels fulfilled in an instant.” – Satou Matsuzaka


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“I need to eliminate all risks.” – Satou Matsuzaka


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“The world outside is filled with impurities.” – Satou Matsuzaka


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“Don’t ever pry into my life ever again. I’m kind of mad.” – Satou Matsuzaka


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“Love is something your heart feels by itself. It’s sweet, it sparkles, and it makes you realize what makes you happy without anyone telling you.” – Satou Matsuzaka


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“If you had to teach him about your love… If you ask for something in return… Something bad and bitter like that… That’s not love.” – Satou Matsuzaka


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“I won’t let anyone stand in the way of my love. Even if it sends me to hell.” – Satou Matsuzaka


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“It’s no use, Shouko. I don’t feel anything for you at all. You’re no different from anyone else. Did you really think I’d buy your lie that you’re not telling the police? You rejected me that one time. Remember? How am I supposed to believe a girl like that? So…sorry.” – Satou Matsuzaka


satou matsuzaka quotes

“It’s sweet…it’s sweet. I have to protect this life. This is where I belong. I’m going to protect [Shio] no matter what!” – Satou Matsuzaka


3. Satou’s Aunt Quotes

satous aunt quotes

I’m not going to criticize your love. But you’re still a kid. A kid who can’t take responsibility for herself. You want to overstep your bounds? Do it once you’ve grown up.” – Satou’s Aunt


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That’s right. You’re completely dependant on adults, after all. You sponge off and cling onto them to live. That’s how it works Satou Chan. You can’t pursue love alone, that’s the reality of things.” – Satou’s Aunt


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Don’t worry, Satou Chan. You’ll grow up someday. You’ll grow into a dirty adult in no time. So, keep acting like an innocent child. Even if you can’t get what you want, you can still do your best. That’s all you can do. You’re just a cute kid.” – Satou’s Aunt


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“I promise you, I will keep loving her, even if I can’t see her anymore.” – Satou’s Aunt


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“Detective Iyada-san, that girl is already dead. I have no regrets because she lived happily.” – Satou’s Aunt


4. Shio Kobe Quotes

Shio Kobe quotes

“Someone once said: “A person’s heart is like a jar. You can stuff a lot of things inside, but when it breaks, that person breaks too.” – Shio Kobe


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