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20 Mind-Opening Quotes You’ll Love From The Anime: Hyouka

Even though Hyouka is a “slice of life”, I think of it as a psychological series.

Why? Because it’s so thought provoking, introspective and deep in ways that are different to most anime.

And that’s what makes the anime quotes more thoughtful, giving you something to think about that’s relatable and relevant.

Hyouka characters mentioned in this post:

  • Houtarou Oreki.
  • Eru Chitanda.
  • Satoshi Fukube.
  • Fuyumi Irisu.

If you want the best quotes from the Hyouka series, here they are…


Hyouka Quotes Worth Sharing:


Fuyumi Irisu Quotes

Furumi Irisu quotes

“Those with talent who aren’t aware of themselves cause pain for those who have none.” – Fuyumi Irisu


Furumi Irisu quotes 1

“No amount of passion can overcome a lack of technical expertise.” – Fuyumi Irisu


Furumi Irisu quotes 2

“Every individual must be aware of themselves. If not, those who watch them think fools of themselves.” – Fuyumi Irisu


Eru Chitanda Quotes

Eru Chitanda quotes

“If someone didn’t have any pride, wouldn’t they also be lacking in self-confidence? If someone was free of greed, wouldn’t they have trouble supporting their family? And if people didn’t envy one another, wouldn’t they stop inventing new things?” – Eru Chitanda


Eru Chitanda quotes 1

“If you can never get angry at anything, that probably means you have nothing that you like, either.” – Eru Chitanda


Eru Chitanda quotes 2

“You don’t have to worry about being special or normal compared to everyone else! It doesn’t matter who it is. So as long as they think you’re special, then you’re special.” – Hyouka


Eru Chitanda quotes 3

“We don’t know if trying our best will help, but we do know, that if we don’t try our best, it won’t help for sure!” – Eru Chitanda


Eru Chitanda quotes 4

“I find myself hard to understand sometimes.” – Eru Chitanda


Houtarou Oreki Quotes

Houtarou Oreki quotes

“I don’t care if no one likes me. I wasn’t created in this world to entertain everyone.” – Houtarou Oreki


Houtarou Oreki quotes 1

“The best way to tame a mystery is with another mystery.” – Houtarou Oreki


Houtarou Oreki quotes 2

“People remember their high school days as the high point of their lives. People say these things because everyone holds fond memories of their time in high school; however, I doubt that every high school student would want to remember their school life that way. For example, if neither studying, nor sports, nor socializing are of interest to someone, what then? What if there are students who prefer to keep a low profile? Though I guess that would be a pretty lonely way to live.” – Houtarou Oreki


Houtarou Oreki quotes 3

“I’m not against socializing, so long as it’s not tiring.” – Houtarou Oreki


Houtarou Oreki quotes 4

“The more inexperienced you are, the more you want to show off.” – Houtarou Oreki


Houtarou Oreki quotes 5

“If I don’t have to do it, I won’t. If I have to do it, I’ll make it quick.” – Houtarou Oreki


Satoshi Fukube Quotes

Satoshi Fukube quotes

“People who are confident in themselves never talk about expectations. “Expectation” is a word rooted in giving up. It leaves you with no other choice. It makes it obvious that you’re powerless.” – Satoshi Fukube


Satoshi Fukube quotes 1

“A joke only lasts for a moment, if it leaves a misunderstanding, it becomes a lie.” – Satoshi Fukube


Satoshi Fukube quotes 2

“A database can’t draw conclusions.” – Satoshi Fukube


Satoshi Fukube quotes 3

“I won’t ever be the best at anything. Or rather, you might say that I’ve stopped trying to be.” – Satoshi Fukube


Satoshi Fukube quotes 4

“Whatever I do, I’ll always be me. I won’t tone myself down to fit in.” – Satoshi Fukube


Satoshi Fukube quotes 5

“Even if I did win, it was boring. How can it be interesting unless you win in an interesting way?” – Satoshi Fukube


If you have any quotes to suggest for Mayaka Ibara, leave them in the comments.


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