The Greatest Vampire Knight Quotes About Life Romance scaled |

64+ Of The Greatest Vampire Knight Quotes About Life & Romance

Vampire Knight quotes taken from characters:

  • Yuki Kuran.
  • Kaien Cross.
  • Kaname Kuran.
  • Hanabusa Aido.
  • Zero Kiriyu.

Vampire Knight is a supernatural shoujo drama, produced by Studio Deen. The same studio as Higurashi.

For an anime that’s 2 seasons long, there are plenty of quotes to takeaway from this series.

Here are the best lines for anime fans.


1. Yuki Kuran Quotes

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“I long for him…but I understand. There’s a line that vampires and humans can’t cross.” – Yuki Kuran


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“A glimpse of what I saw earlier was something so distant from me. And yet right now, this man is lying here in my arms. It’s such a strange feeling.” – Yuki Kuran


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“I love you Kaname-sama. You are the beginning of my world, and everything in that world… So even if I couldn’t remember my past…I wasn’t scared.” – Yuki Kuran


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“Being like this makes me feel like we’ve returned to the old days somewhat. Yeah. Zero is Zero. Even if you are a vampire now.” – Yuki Kuran


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“The world is dyed with the color of blood. It will never be able to go back to the way it was before…” – Yuki Kuran


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“Both of us understand, but neither of us will say it. It’s a sin to keep a vampire alive by offering my own blood as bait. We are doing something that is forbidden. No one must find out about this.” – Yuki Kuran


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“If it’s something I can only cry about in my heart, it’s almost like a sin.” – Yuki Kuran


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“I will keep running away so Zero has a reason to live.”  – Yuki Kuran


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“I didn’t understand anything. Zero suffered and suffered for four years. What were you thinking, all by yourself? He loathes vampires so much, he wants to kill them all. All this time, Zero wanted to kill himself too.” – Yuki Kuran


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“When I think of him, I feel so much love and such sadness…is it a bad thing that the same feeling makes me want to latch onto his throat and devour his blood and even his life to taste his feelings in it?” – Yuki Kuran


2. Hanabusa Aido Quotes

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“Yuki, who made those wounds on your neck? In our classroom the night before last, we suddenly smelt blood, we were surprised. I was the only one who noticed right away that it was your blood.” – Hanabusa Aido


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“The nice smell is your blood, Yuki.” – Hanabusa Aido


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“Hey baby, what’s your blood type?” – Hanabusa Aido


3. Kaien Cross Quotes

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“I still think about protecting you two…even if it’s considered as an act of taboo by “humans”.” – Kaien Cross


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“I want to put an end to the war between humans and vampires – a war that has been continuing in the darkness of history since ancient times! I want the young vampires, with their natural intelligence and unfettered hearts, to become a bridge between the two species!! I’m educating them for that purpose! That is why I created the Night Class!” – Kaien Cross


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“I wish to erase the past but I have killed too many vampires to let that happen.” – Kaien Cross


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“If you need to, Zero, you can drink my blood…” – Kaien Cross


4. Kaname Kuran Quotes

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“What is beautiful is not the world, but your beautiful eyes that embraces it.” – Kaname Kuran


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“Yuki, don’t cry. For this day to come, I have waited impatiently for a very long time.” – Kaname Kuran


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“Sometimes, forgetting is a type of happiness.” – Kaname Kuran


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“I didn’t think that the day would come where you would talk about other guys. How unfair.” – Kaname Kuran


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“You have stopped opening your heart to me. That’s the only thing about you that has to change.” – Kaname Kuran


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“I’ve always been alone. The only one that can bring warmth into my life, is you.” – Kaname Kuran


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“That’s right…you should run away. Yuki…you make me cruel.” – Kaname Kuran


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“You’ve finally fallen to the blood lust of beasts, Zero.” – Kaname Kuran


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“Are you sure? Even if the hidden truth is drenched in blood… Do you still want to know?” – Kaname Kuran


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“If my only option I have is to lose you, then I would prefer death instead. Be it yours, by my hand, or could you please kill me then yuki?” – Kaname Kuran


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“I’ve been wondering ever since before, why do you always look so sad whenever you’re with me?” – Kaname Kuran


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“Humans should never be turned into vampires. But in the old days, hidden from history, when the war between vampires and vampire hunters was at its peak, vampires turned many humans into vampires to use in battle. And now the aristocrats have the duty to manage those survivors. Sometimes we have to kill them off…” – Kaname Kuran


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“It’s all right, for now. Yuki will eventually come to me.” – Kaname Kuran


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“You could never betray her, because you are under her obligation. You are being let to live because of that, Zero. By me.” Kaname Kuran


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“You are the only one who brings color into the dull gray ashes that my heart is.” – Kaname Kuran


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“The blood has stopped flowing, but the puncture wounds…he really pierced you deeply. Yuki…does it hurt? Are you afraid of vampires now?” – Kaname Kuran


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“It’s all right. You be just the way you are, Yuki. You’re different from the Night Class students who wait on me… You’re a warm-hearted girl, Yuki. That’s more than enough.” – Kaname Kuran


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“I’m a bit annoyed that you bit me without any restraint.” – Kaname Kuran


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“Yuki, I can’t accept it after all, that my most precious girl was bitten by another.” – Kaname Kuran


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“You devoured her mercilessly. She can’t even stand up. Was her blood so delicious?” – Kaname Kuran


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“Do not ever forget…who gave you this blood.” – Kaname Kuran


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“A human bitten by a pureblood vampire transforms into a vampire. When that happens, there can be only one of two results, dying from the loss of blood, or unfavorably surviving and suffering the pain of slowly transforming into a vampire. Other vampires don’t possess this dark power that purebloods have. I respect his strength of will, he was only a human, yet he resisted the powerful vampire instinct for four years.” – Kaname Kuran


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“Yuki is my dear girl. The only one in the entire world.” – Kaname Kuran


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“You’re a disgrace to all vampires.” – Kaname Kuran


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“Headmaster Cross, how much longer are you going to keep Zero in the Day Class? That time is approaching for him.” – Kaname Kuran


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“Yuki, the safest place is beside me.” – Kaname Kuran


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“Do you want to be a vampire Yuuki, become a blood sucking monster like me….and live for eternity by my side?” – Kaname Kuran


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“Do you want to be my friend?” – Kaname Kuran


5. Zero Kiriyu Quotes

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“You said it yourself once…The reason why they look like humans…is so that they can hunt us down more efficiently.” – Zero Kiriyu


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“But you thought it would be okay to become a vampire, right? I will never let you turn into something like that. Even if it means I have to make Kaname Kuran my enemy…and even if it means you will hate me.” – Zero Kiriyu


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“Listen up, brats! Get the hell back to your dorms! Why do I have to deal with you running around screaming “Kyaa! Kyaa!” every damn day?! Why?!” – Zero Kiriyu


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“You heard it too? The sound of your blood being sucked in by me. After such a hair-raising experience you can’t act as if nothing has changed. So don’t interfere anymore.” – Zero Kiriyu


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“After we turn around, the next time we see each other, I will kill you.” – Zero Kiriyu


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“Come on vampires. I’ve been pissed off lately.” – Zero Kiriyu


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“I borrowed it from the Headmaster. It’s a gun to use against vampires. If I lose the human part of me, and go mad as a vampire…shoot me with that gun. Not yet, but that day will eventually come. Kill me by your own hand then.” – Zero Kiriyu


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“The Headmaster talks about the Night Class like they’re good vampires who support his pacifism, but I don’t trust them. I won’t let my guard down. I’m cooperating so I can find the most effective way to kill those beasts in human form.” – Zero Kiriyu


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“That’s why for you, you have the right to be cruel to me. No matter how much you make me worry or how much danger you put me in, just as much as you like. But these are not enough “compensation”. Even if I have to sacrifice my life over life for you, I would not utter a word of complaint.” – Zero Kiriyu


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“Former humans eventually fall into the Level E category, Yuki. They gradually lose their sanity, reaching their “end” – their destruction.” – Zero Kiriyu


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“I want these gentle hands… and this kind smile…Even though I should not want such a thing.” – Zero Kiriyu


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“Go Yuki… Go and be by the side of the man who can spend an eternity with you.” – Zero Kiriyuu


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“It is the vampire hunter’s duty to kill vampires.” – Zero Kiriyu


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“Because Yuui was there, I might have been able to live on…” – Zero Kiriyu


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“I refuse to breathe the same air as those creatures. I refuse to wear the stupid uniform full of buttons that those creatures wear. If I am imprisoned in a classroom full of those creatures, I will certainly lose it, I will massacre every single one of them.” – Zero Kiriyu


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“I couldn’t stop myself from devouring you. I may kill the next human I target as my prey. Shoot me. You’re afraid of me, aren’t you? Hold the gun with both hands, and aim straight. Aim for my heart. It’s not a crime to kill a vampire.” – Zero Kiriyu


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“She’s not small… In my heart her existence is not small.” – Zero Kiriyu


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“Her warm hands against my face like that… They were like a plank I would hold on to, so I wouldn’t drown.” – Zero Kiriyu


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“If you go one step ahead of me, I’ll make you cry.” – Zero Kiriyu

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