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The 29+ Greatest Sosuke Aizen Quotes For Bleach Fans!

Sosuke Aizen is considered one of the greatest anime villains of all time.

He’s cunning, adaptive, strategic and things long term. Always with a holistic approach and never revealing his hand. Keeping him mysterious and the enemy in the dark.

This confidence eventually leads to arrogance, and all of his journey is shown in his mixture of quotes.

Here’s Aizen’s best anime quotes worth sharing.


Sosuke Aizen Quotes:

Sosuke Aizen Quotes Bleach

“Since the beginning, no one has ever stood in the heavens. Neither you, nor me, not even God himself. But that unbearable vacancy in the throne of Heaven shall be filled. From this day forth, I will stand in heaven.” – Sosuke Aizen


Sosuke Aizen Quotes Bleach 1

“All of the Arrancar follow me… because they see me as fearless and the only individual who can actually bring forth the new world… the new future where you can belong. Without me, that dream can’t be fulfilled and without me the gotei 13 will destroy you all… Do you see it now from my point of view?” – Sosuke Aizen


Sosuke Aizen Quotes Bleach 2

“Seek not beauty in battle. Seek not beauty in death. Consider not your own life. If you wish to protect that which must be protected, then strike while your opponent’s back is turned.” – Sosuke Aizen


Sosuke Aizen Quotes Bleach 3

“I had no intention of deceiving anyone. It’s just that none of you could understand…My true self.” – Sosuke Aizen


Sosuke Aizen Quotes Bleach 4

“Why are you putting so much distance between us? If you want to make sure it hits me, then you should get close and fire. Or is it that you’re afraid of letting even a part of me out of your field of vision by getting close? If that’s the case, then it’s a foolish thought. Distance only has meaning in a fight between equals. With you and I, distance holds no meaning at all. Watch… If I do this, my hand is almost instantly at your heart.” – Sosuke Aizen


Sosuke Aizen Quotes Bleach 5

“No matter what may happen… As long as you walk by my side… There shall be no enemy that can stand before us.” – Sosuke Aizen


Sosuke Aizen Quotes Bleach 6

“Ichigo Kurosaki, all of the battles you’ve fought, were all part of my plan.” – Sosuke Aizen


Sosuke Aizen Quotes Bleach 7

“Oh? I thought I severed your body from the waist-down, but…It seems the cut was too shallow.” – Sosuke Aizen


Sosuke Aizen Quotes Bleach 8

“Yhwach. You desired a world… Where fear would no longer be a burden. But… In a world without fear of death… People will never attain the hope that is to be found from casting their fears aside and preserving through them. While it is true that people can continue to press forward through the simple act of living… That is no way comparable to marching forward in the face of death, while doing their damnedest to keep it at bay. That is why… That is why people have given that very march a unique and special name. “COURAGE.” – Sosuke Aizen


Sosuke Aizen Quotes Bleach 9

“A girl like you should smile more often. Overcast skies blot out the sun, and that always brings people’s spirits down. So why not let the sun shine…For just a while longer?” – Sosuke Aizen


Sosuke Aizen Quotes Bleach 10

“Aww…You found her. Sorry, I didn’t want you to find out this way…No. I should have chopped her into little pieces and hidden them away where you would never find them.” – Sosuke Aizen


Sosuke Aizen Quotes Bleach 11

“I’m going to have to ask you to stop now, Abarai-kun. I can only step on an ant so hard without crushing it.” – Sosuke Aizen


Sosuke Aizen Quotes Bleach 12

“Isn’t it ironic, king of Hueco Mundo? Dressed in black and poised to attack, you look just like a shinigami.” – Sosuke Aizen


Sosuke Aizen Quotes Bleach 13

“All creatures want to believe in something bigger than themselves. They cannot live without blind obedience. And to escape the pressure of that trust, those in whom faith is placed in turn look for someone higher than themselves. And then those people in turn look for someone even stronger. That is how all Kings are born. That is how all Gods are born.” – Sosuke Aizen


Sosuke Aizen Quotes Bleach 14

“In my eyes, there is no difference between wiping away one speck of dust or two.” – Sosuke Aizen


Sosuke Aizen Quotes 13

“You are fighting out of obligation, not out of hatred. You will never reach me like that. Battle without hatred is like a bird without wings. You’ll never defeat anyone like that. Your powerless friends are just weights that will break your legs.” – Sosuke Aizen


Sosuke Aizen Quotes 1

“A victor must speak not of the current state of the world, but of how it should rightfully be.” – Sosuke Aizen


Sosuke Aizen Quotes 2

“We’re all the same. No one really remembers the day he was born. We all have to trust another’s word on the matter. It doesn’t matter if it’s true or not. Just having a birthday makes one happy I think.” – Sosuke Aizen


Sosuke Aizen Quotes 3

“There is no such thing as “truth” or “lies” in this world; there never has been. There are only plain, hard facts. And yet, all beings who exist in this world acknowledge only those “facts” that are convenient to them, and take them to be the “truth”. They do so because they know no other way of living. However, for those powerless beings who comprise the majority of this world’s population, inconvenient facts that affirm their very existence, are their only truth.” – Sosuke Aizen


Sosuke Aizen Quotes 4

“Admiration is the furthest thing from understanding.” – Sosuke Aizen


Sosuke Aizen Quotes 5

“Fear is necessary for evolution. The fear that could be destroyed at any moment.” – Sosuke Aizen


Sosuke Aizen Quotes 6

“Laws exist only for those who cannot live without clinging to them.” – Sosuke Aizen


Sosuke Aizen Quotes 7

“We think the flower on the precipice is beautiful, because our fear makes our feet stop at its edge, instead of stepping forward into the sky, like that flower.” – Sosuke Aizen


Sosuke Aizen Quotes 8

“I guess it’s only natural for inferior beings to ride on the coattails of their superior counterparts. If they wish to keep their lives, they have no choice but to obediently comply. It’s a never ending chain… as the ones who are burdened with that trust, in order to escape that burden, seek to find someone even greater than themselves. These greater beings then seek others even greater than themselves to shelter them. This is how Gods are born. But make no mistake. They all still abide to me. Because from this point onward, you will witness first hand, the power of the God they foolishly placed their faith in. I will become that God they have no choice but to believe in.” – Sosuke Aizen


Sosuke Aizen Quotes 10

“Any betrayal you can see is trivial, what is truly frightening and much more lethal, is the betrayal you cannot see.” – Sosuke Aizen


Sosuke Aizen Quotes 11

“Trusting someone… means relying on them and only the weak do that.” – Sosuke Aizen


Sosuke Aizen Quotes 12

“I never ask them to trust me at all. I told them to come with me but I never told them to trust me. And I always tell them not to trust anyone, including myself. But sadly, there are not many strong enough to do that.” – Sosuke Aizen


Sosuke Aizen Quotes 9

“Good evening, Espada. There has been an enemy attack. But first… Let us brew some tea.” – Sosuke Aizen


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