Anime Motivation started back in mid-2016. With a full-on commitment to the website between-autumn/winter time.
Back then there was barely 1000 fans (and 0 customers) visiting the website at all.
With a “few” followers on any social network.
How it all began
The goal was (and still is) to make a difference in the anime community.
After the site went live in 2016, that goal started off with anime quotes and life lessons.
This is something that still differentiates the content on Anime Motivation to this day, since no anime site centers their brand around “anime motivation” (no pun intended).
After seeing how one fan in particular was impacted by an anime quote published on Anime Motivation, this set the stage for a 100% commitment to the goal and website.
With bigger things in the pipeline planned between now and into the future.
Fast forward to 2018
This is what the traffic looked like about 30-40+ days ago on Anime Motivation…
As you can see – 60,000 visitors came to the website per month.
This was around the same time this post was published:
15 Questions You NEED To Ask Before Starting An Anime Blog
And as of August 2018 – here’s how many anime fans visit Anime Motivation:
All this has been achieved in 1.5 years. Exceeding expectations by far.
Exceeding expectations
Originally the goal was to reach over 100,000+ fans per month by January 2019.
But that’s happened much sooner as you can see. So those goals are being revised 😉
Thank You
Maybe a giveaway (or something along those lines) sounds good for the next milestone.
What do you think?
Either way, stay tuned. And thanks for being part of the mission. 🙂