inspirational Pokemon Quotes Anime Fans Will Love scaled

15 Inspirational Pokemon Quotes Anime Fans Will Love

Pokemon anime quotes mentioned in this post:

  • Ash Ketchum.
  • Alder.
  • Grovyle.
  • Meowth.
  • Brock.
  • Karen.
  • N.
  • Mewtwo.
  • Rayquaza.
  • Grimsley.

Pokemon is a legendary anime series AND franchise in its own right. In fact – it’s officially one of the top franchises on the planet. Bringing in billions of dollars.

Whether you’re a fan of the anime itself, the video games, worldwide tournaments or a mixture of all of it, these quotes will bring back the good times.

Let’s dive into these Inspirational Pokemon Quotes!


#1 – Alder Quotes

Even If we don't understand each other, that's not a reason to reject each other. There are two sides to any argument. Is there one point of view that has all the answers? Give it some thought. - Alder

“Even If we don’t understand each other, that’s not a reason to reject each other. There are two sides to any argument. Is there one point of view that has all the answers? Give it some thought.” – Alder


#2 – Ash Ketchum Quotes

Everybody makes a wrong turn once in a while - Ash Ketchum

“Everybody makes a wrong turn once in a while” – Ash Ketchum


There's no sense in going out of your way to get somebody to like you. - Ash Ketchum

“There’s no sense in going out of your way to get somebody to like you.” – Ash Ketchum


Me give up? No way! - Ash Ketchum

“Me give up? No way!” – Ash Ketchum

Do you always need a reason to help somebody? - Ash Ketchum

“Do you always need a reason to help somebody?” – Ash Ketchum


You see, sometimes friends have to go away, but a part of them stays behind with you. - Ash Ketchum

“You see, sometimes friends have to go away, but a part of them stays behind with you.” – Ash Ketchum


#3 – Karen Quotes

Strong Pokemon. Weak Pokemon. That is only the selfish perception of people. Truly skilled trainers should try to win with all their favorites. - Karen

“Strong Pokemon. Weak Pokemon. That is only the selfish perception of people. Truly skilled trainers should try to win with all their favorites.” – Karen


#4 – Brock Quotes

A Caterpie may change into a Butterfree, but the heart that beats inside remains the same. - Brock

“A Caterpie may change into a Butterfree, but the heart that beats inside remains the same.” – Brock


#5 – N Quotes

Make your wonderful dream a reality, it will become your truth. If anyone can, it's you. - N, Pokemon Black/White

“Make your wonderful dream a reality, it will become your truth. If anyone can, it’s you.” – N, Pokemon Black/White


I will show you that my love for my friends permeates every cell in my body. - N, Pokemon Black/White

“I will show you that my love for my friends permeates every cell in my body.” – N, Pokemon Black/White


#6 – Mewtwo Quotes

I see now that one's birth is irrelevant. It's what you do that determines who you are. - Mewtwo

“I see now that one’s birth is irrelevant. It’s what you do that determines who you are.” – Mewtwo


#7 – Rayquaza Quotes

Take charge of your destiny. - Rayquaza

“Take charge of your destiny.” – Rayquaza


#8 – Grimsley Quotes

It's more important to master the cards you're holding than to complain about the ones your opponent was dealt. - Grimsley

“It’s more important to master the cards you’re holding than to complain about the ones your opponent was dealt.” – Grimsley


#9 – Meowth Quotes

We do have a lot in common. The same earth, the same air, the same sky. Maybe if we started looking at what's the same, instead of looking at what's different, well, who knows? - Meowth

“We do have a lot in common. The same earth, the same air, the same sky. Maybe if we started looking at what’s the same, instead of looking at what’s different, well, who knows?” – Meowth


#10 – Grovyle Quotes

The important thing is not how long you live. It's what you accomplish with your life. - Grovyle

“The important thing is not how long you live. It’s what you accomplish with your life.” – Grovyle

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