The Ultimate List Of Undead Unluck Quotes (recommended)

The Ultimate List Of Undead Unluck Quotes (Recommended)

Undead Unluck quotes taken from characters:

  • Fuuko Izumo.
  • Andy.
  • Juiz D’Arc.
  • Tatiana.
  • Victor.
  • Chikara Shigeno.

And many more characters.

Undead Unluck is an anime series (Shonen) produced by David Productions and adapted from a manga.

The anime was released during the Winter 2024 season.

Let’s focus on the anime’s:

  • Quotes.
  • Lessons.
  • Moments.

And everything in between as it relates to the quotes from its many relatable characters.

Here’s a list.


Undead Unluck Quotes:


1. Fuuko Izumo

Undead Unluck Quotes Fuuko (1)

“You’re right. Everyone’s only got one life to live. And if you end up dying, there’s no coming back!” – Fuuko Izumo


Undead Unluck Quotes Fuuko

“My dream is… to become a normal girl… and live my life to the fullest until my dying day!! And until I do… no matter what happens… I’ll never give up!” – Fuuko Izumo


2. Victor

Undead Unluck Quotes Victor

“I don’t know who told you about me. But I am human. Not Thor- Not God!” – Victor


3. Latlah Mirah

Undead Unluck Quotes Latla Mirah

“The fortunetelling I once believed in is no longer accurate. But you trusted in me. In that case…. I’ll just have to accept it. A 100 percent wrong fortune… Isn’t so bad.” – Latlah Mirah


4. Akira Kuno

Undead Unluck Quotes Akira Kuno Unknown

“Show me the ultimate ending!” – Akira Kuno (Unknown)


5. Andy

Undead Unluck Quotes Andy

“To be born and experience death- the greatest form of change… Man, it sounds so sick!” – Andy


Undead Unluck Quotes Andy (1)

“I ain’t rotten enough to bang a chick just cause she’s desperate. Don’t ever pull a stunt like that again.” – Andy


6. Chikara Shigeno

Undead Unluck Quotes Chikara Shigeno

“I know I freaked out earlier… but I won’t run away anymore.” – Chikara Shigeno


7. Unrepair

Undead Unluck Quotes Unrepair

“If you join me, then I’ll deactivate my ability. If you don’t, then that wound… won’t heal until I’m dead.” – Unrepair


8. Tatiana

Undead Unluck Quotes Tatiana

“You’re not getting away… with hurting someone so special to me. I’ll pulverize every last one of you!” – Tatiana


9. Juiz D’arc

Undead Unluck Quotes Juiz

“So you didn’t kill yourself despite my power. It seems your vision was all talk after all.” – Juiz


Undead Unluck Quotes Juiz (2)

“Relay this message across space. Keep your hands off planet earth.” – Juiz


10. Shen

Undead Unluck Quotes Shen

“Poor thing… betcha wanted to avoid that one… didn’t ya!” – Shen


11. Void Volks

Undead Unluck Quotes Void Volks Unavoidable

“Sorry, kid. All the seats are taken!! As long as there are no vacancies… there’ll be no additions or changes to the roster. And any Negator who isn’t a member is nothing more than a monster… who’ll throw the world into chaos… an UMA freak!” – Void Volks


12. Billy Alfred

Undead Unluck Quotes Billy Alfred

“Devoid of light, forced to bear the weight of negating… forced to fight. Why must we concern ourselves with the lives of the incompetent masses? Their lives should be sacrificed as well. And that’s just what we plan to do. Otherwise it would be rather… unfair. Don’t you agree?” – Billy Alfred


13. Phil Hawkins

Undead Unluck Quotes Phil Hawkins

“Mom… you don’t have to worry. I’ve had feelings… I’ve had a soul this whole time.” – Phil Hawkins


14. Top Bull Sparkx

Undead Unluck Quotes Top Bull Sparkx

“We’re all on the same team. No thanks needed. I don’t accept ’em or dish ’em out.” – Top Bull Sparkx


15. Haruka Yamaoka

Undead Unluck Quotes Haruka Yamaoka

“I want to be like that! Not just someone who makes weapons…but someone who can protect everyone. That’s the Unbreakable I strive for!” – Haruka Yamaoka


16. Nico Vorgeil

Undead Unluck Quotes Nico Vorgeil

“I couldn’t forget even if you told me to. Those words. Those memories. I’ve… Ingrained them into my soul!” – Nico Vorgeil


17. Gina Chamber

Undead Unluck Quotes Gina Chamber

“The greatest change a person will face is… death. So if you want to change so bad… do it on your own time!” – Gina Chamber



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