The Top Anime News Websites To Stay Up To Date With scaled

The Top 7 Anime News Websites To Stay Up To Date With

Have you ever noticed how few anime websites are dedicated to news?

Apart from the handful of websites I know of which I’ll share, I realize there are less than I’d thought. Especially when it comes to “well-known” anime news sites.

And you probably feel the same way if sites like ANN is the only kind you’re aware of.

Here are 7 worth recommending, for both UK and global anime fans…


The Top 7 Anime News Sites:


1. Anime News & Facts

anime news and facts website

Anime News And Facts is committed to:

  • Anime episode reviews.
  • The latest manga news.
  • Anime news.

And everything in between. They’re based out of India.

It’s one of the “few” anime news sites out of India with an English-speaking website. As most are off-limits for anyone who can’t get past the language barrier.

Just like with Japanese sites in general as well.

It’s the one to lookout for if you want the latest reviews of NEW airing anime shows, and a sprinkle of news to top it off.


2. UK Anime Network

uk anime network compressor

UK Anime Network has been around long before I knew it even existed.

As far as anime websites on the web worldwide, it’s one of the oldest and most consistent. Especially in the UK.

If you’re living in the UK and want a dedicated anime news site, you can’t go wrong with these guys.

Just don’t expect dozens of daily anime content like you would with the bigger sites like CR (or Anime Motivation).

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3. Anime News Network

anime news network compressor

Anime News Network (ANN) goes without saying.

They’re one of the oldest anime websites still going strong in 2018.

They publish dozens of articles, posts, news and even reviews consistently. With enough content in a week to last you a month.

There’s no better source online if you want “the whole package” when it comes to anime news.


4. Crunchyroll

Crunchyroll website compressor

With Crunchyroll being the dominant player for anime streaming (besides FUNI), they publish anime news daily. Something Funimation doesn’t do at all on their website.

If you want to know about the latest anime, AND get a preview of the latest episodes, CR is the #1 legal site to use.

Or at least that’s the case in 2018 as it stands.


5. Otaku Kart

Otakukart website anime

Otaku Kart doesn’t publish as much “Manga.Tokyo or other websites.

Not even close.

But they’re committed to sharing anime news regardless, as well as entertainment content and recommendations.

Some of their biggest anime news focuses on:

  • One Piece.
  • Naruto.
  • Dragon Ball Z.
  • My Hero Academia.

And shows of that nature.

With spoilers, theoretical posts, “what if” posts, and things along those lines.

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6. UK Anime News

Anime UK News compressor

UK Anime News is another website that’s been around for a long time. Longer than most anime websites can claim.

Similar to UK Anime Network, they publish tons of anime news related to the UK.

But they publish anime news almost everyday in comparison. So you can expect a high volume of content to dive into as a British anime fan.

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7. Random Curiosity

random curiosity anime site

Random Curiosity is a different breed all together.

Instead of “just” anime news, the news covered by RC is in the format of reviews.

And similar to sites like ANN, they consistently publish content everyday. With tons of content going out on a weekly basis without fail.

If it’s just anime reviews you want for the latest shows, Random Curiosity is a smart choice.

There are other websites I could have mentioned, but they’re not fully committed to anime news. So it’s not worth mentioning as its less relevant.

But if there’s any other anime news sites you’re a fan of, share it in the comments.

Or on social media.


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