seis manos anime series

A Collection Of The Greatest Seis Manos Quotes Of All Time!

Seis Manos anime quotes taken from characters:

  • Chiu.
  • Isabella.

Seis Manos is an anime based on Chinese Martial Arts, and 3 orphan characters.

If you enjoyed this series, let’s touch on the main quotes that have some relevance and meaning for every day life.

Here’s the best lines from Seis Manos.


1. Isabella Quotes

isabella quotes seis manos

“Sifu always said, there is a balance between light and darkness. You cannot have one without the other.” – Isabella


2. Chiu Quotes

chius quotes seis manos 3

“Valiente may soon be a flower or nothing. We don’t know. You give yourself endless tasks, but our only task is to accept. Of course, you already know all of this, you just don’t know it yet.” – Chiu


chius quotes seis manos 2

“I see the problem. You have made a serious error. Nature is harmony, child. You don’t need to push the river to flow. Peace comes not by struggle, but by letting things go their own way.” – Chiu


chius quotes seis manos 1

“Every statement ever written, I promise you, is secretly a question.” – Chiu


chius quotes seis manos

“Be the gentle rain, not the angry wave. What is soft is strong.” – Chiu


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