
The Appeal Of #Hentai: This Is Why Fans LOVE This Genre So Much

Theo J Ellis E1541685814247
The Appeal Of #hentai This Is Why Fans Love This Genre So Much

Why is hentai so appealing?

On the surface, from the outside looking in:

  • Hentai appears to be disgusting.
  • People view it as weird and strange.
  • Many in the Western world don’t understand the attraction or popularity.
  • Hentai gets you strange looks in general.

And even to regular anime fans, hentai can seem like “a bit much” and a step too far into the darkness, whatever that means.

But when Hentai is more popular than:

  • Every celebrity (dead or alive).
  • Every politician or government.
  • The latest trends that seem mega popular.
  • And even pornography itself.

It becomes clear there is an appeal to Hentai you can’t simply dismiss or pretend isn’t there.

So let’s talk about it.


1. Stirs the imagination

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The thing with Hentai is its ability to stir the imagination beyond a person’s wildest fantasies. It’s abnormal in this way because regular porn could never do this for obvious reasons.

One of those obvious reasons being that porn is based on real people in the real world, rather than fiction or virtual characters.

Yes, you can exaggerate sexual acts in porn and use video tricks to project a false sense of reality (which is done often), but in Hentai, there are no limitations.

Amakano Hentai

There are no handcuffs (no pun intended), and no restrictions. There are only limits imposed by the person or creator’s mind and nothing more.

This is why shows like BIBLE BLACK exist, and why it has become a “cult” classic that people know despite it being a bit old school by 2024 standards.

It’s why hentai shows involving tentacles grew so popular and field the stereotypes of hentai, which were passed onto anime, wrongly, but unsurprisingly.

For the creators of Hentai, there is no limit to what they can do, and that is passed on to the viewers who dare to watch.


2. If you can picture it, it may exist

Hentai Elf Getting Fucked Sex

This is how you end up with shows in these categories:

  • Tentacles.
  • BDSM.
  • Aliens.
  • Elves.
  • Furry women.
  • Isekai.

And various other hentai genres that take things to a relative extreme.

Hentai is the ultimate fantasy in the form of animated porn, but it goes so many steps further with its fantasy elements.

In fact. it goes so far that you can picture it and probably find a hentai that fits the bill, assuming it’s something erotic or something along those lines.

Anime is similar in this way, just in a “normal” kind of way, with Hentai being the degenerate cousin of anime.

Relevant: 35+ BDSM Hentai Shows With Controversial Content


3. There’s no limits to its LEWD creativity

Amakano Pics Thicc

Hentai is one of those mediums where despite it obviously NOT being aimed at a “too young” audience, if it plays its cards right, it can get very creative in how it decides to tell its story while still maintaining a “hentai” vibe.

I’d say this is the reason why shows or genres like Vanilla stand out so much in the hentai world. In a medium where things are exaggerated to death and sometimes disgusting, Vanilla is where wholesome meets “porn” in animated form.

So the writing is different.

In another way, an Isekai version of a Hentai is bound to be creative by design as long as it’s not overused, abused, and the writers have fun with the story to bring something fresh to the mix.

Related: 13 Types Of Hentai Tropes And Cliches You’re Bound To See


4. It’s the forbidden fruit you’re supposed to avoid

Overflow Hentai Bath Scene

It may be true that Muslim countries are known for not engaging in porn like the West, but in reality, many Muslim countries are also seeking out porn and in this case, Hentai for one reason.

That reason is Hentai is the forbidden fruit.

When you censor something and make it hard to access, and while most may be “culturally” trained, there will always be those who want the thing they can’t have.

Or the thing they’re not supposed to have according to society’s standards.

This to me is the reason Hentai is so unbelievably popular. So much so that the biggest websites like Amazon, and the largest celebrities like Kim K pale in comparison (even when combined).

Porno itself is also not as popular as Hentai (realistic porn) which speaks for itself.

Relevant: 12+ Popular Hentai Topics Fans Never Shut Up About


5. Obscurity drives curiosity

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Hentai is obscure, and the funny thing is when you hear criticisms from “normies” about anime being animated porn, those same people checked it out to have come to that misguided conclusion.

Hentai is weird and yes I don’t watch it, but I can understand how it being so underground drives its growth, sales, popularity, and of course, the meme material online that is never ending.

You can never tame the curiosity that stems from obscurity. People just can’t help themselves.


6. It goes to lengths regular porn couldn’t dare to reach

Hentai Tentacle Scene

When I was travelling I met some Europeans we’ll say, and when I mentioned I’ll be travelling to Japan, in response they said “Japan is known for its weird stuff” (paraphrasing).

They related it to the fact I have an anime business, which I mentioned beforehand.

My point here is everyone knows, even without knowing in detail, that Hentai and Japanese media in general is known for reaching heights other forms of media wouldn’t dare reach.

That being regular porn in general when compared to Hentai. In fact, this is also true of regular anime vs. regular films.

It’s Japan’s nature to be this way it seems for certain forms of media, and hentai fans find this to be another appealing trait in both anime and hentai.


7. It’s full of meme material and hysterical content

Hentai Memes

Meme material never dies. The same can be said for meme material relating to HENTAI content.

It never goes away, and there will always be more memes of hentai coming out, every year, and every month, without fail.

The Reddit factory is one source pumping out this sort of hilarious hentai meme content, and social media does what it does by spreading it like butter.


8. It fulfils unrealistic desires

Hentai Doggy Style Monster

This might be one of the biggest points.

When you create unrealistic desires, not only does it start to spread far and wide, but it makes people want that thing more and more even if that thing is impossible to achieve.

Porn does this is an industry, and HENTAI takes this to levels even porn is afraid of reaching.

I mean, what’s more unrealistic than a woman who is a feline (cat) with a pair of 34DD tiddies, a curvy ass, and the submissiveness of a maid waiting at your beck and call?

Switch the cat lady (no pun intended) with any other animal and you have Hentai’s unrealistic desires without including the harems, and other aspects that are common.

It’s easy to see why hentai is appealing in this way.


9. It’s full of fetish material

Hentai Boobies Blonde

Then there is the fetish material of hentai which is out of control. This is a follow up point to #8.

An elf woman with massive tits who is tall and blonde, or a woman with the body of a snake and the face of a model.  It sounds absolutely ridiculous and even disturbing, but the fact is this fetish material is what sells Hentai.

It’s one of the main reasons people seek out Hentai because as I already mentioned, it stirs the imagination and the number of fetishes plays a major role in doing that.

In the end, the appeal of hentai can be broken down in many ways, but these 9 points cover all of it in a nutshell.

Hentai is going nowhere, and for whatever reason, it will continue to be a source of entertainment (healthy entertainment I’d like to say) for decades to come.



11+ Types Of Hentai Female Characters Who Always Make An Appearance

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