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The Greatest Axis Powers: Hetalia Quotes That Will Make Your Day

Axis Powers Hetalia quotes taken from characters:

  • Russia.
  • South Korea.
  • America.
  • South Italy.
  • Prussia.
  • England.
  • Austria.
  • Poland.
  • North Italy.
  • Rome.
  • Germany.

Axis Powers: Hetalia is a parody anime that represents characters from all over the world. Mainly the west (Europe, UK, and so on).

Produced by Studio Deen.

This historical parody has a lot of relevant and great quotes to relate to, take from, and laugh at.

Here are the best lines from Axis Powers Hetalia.


1. England Quotes

england quotes axis powers hetalia

“I could never think of this kind of (retarded) design. It really is (retardedly) you America.” – England


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“Oh I hate terrorists, they’re so ugly.” – England


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“No surprise…the meeting ended once again without any resolution. Blast all. I really do wish there was someone around here who I didn’t always fight with. … Flying Mint Bunny! Did you come to try to cheer me up, huh? …This is great! All my magical friends at the same time! But let’s have no murders go around, okay? I’m serious guys! Hey, no fair chewing on my sleeve, Uni! I’m too ticklish, so stop the snuggling! You’re naughty, Captain Hook, Tinkerbell’s not big enough. Take that big, goofy, kissy face back to your little leprechaun friends, since they’re the only ones who care! Kidding! Seriously, you’re all nutburgers! What am I to do with you?” – England


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“You sure talk big, when I’m the one who made you a man!” – England


2. America Quotes

America quotes axis powers hetalia

“The unicorn was real! Of course YOU couldn’t see it, because you’re not PURE. But I saw it and it was cute with a soft fluffy mane…” – America


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“Check it out yo, how kick *ss is my new fighter plane of doom!? Dude, is it blowin your mind yet or what?” – America


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“I think we can solve the problem by building a big hero together and having it shield the Earth.” – America


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“Conceal that garbage.” – America


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“Besides, it’s not LEARNED! What’s with that LEARNED?! It’s LEARNT, you stupid!” – America


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“I’m here to make friends with whales!” – America


3. South Korea Quotes

south korea quotes axis powers hetalia

“Quotes were invented in Korea, you know!” – South Korea


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“These are broken, so Korea didn’t make them.” – South Korea


4. Russia Quotes

russia quotes axis powers hetalia

“Become one with me.” – Russia


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“Accept me for what I am today, don’t reject me because of what I was yesterday.” – Russia


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“I want to see confused and troubled Lithuania to come crying to me.” – Russia


5. France Quotes

france quotes axis powers hetalia

“You were such a cute country when you were born and now your all grown up…” – France


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“The government is the sails, the people the wind, and the time the sea. As long as there is people to repair the ship, it can be used forever.” – France


6. South Italy Quotes

south italy quotes axis powers hetalia

“As long as I’m with you, I get fed and nobody picks on me! I like being here!” – South Italy


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“Listen to this! I woke up earlier than Germany for once!” – South Italy


7. Poland Quotes

poland quotes axis powers hetalia

“Risking my life for European politics would make me grassy!” – Poland


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“Stop being such a b*tch, Sweden!” – Poland


8. Prussia Quotes

prussia quotes axis powers hetalia

“What the– Hun– HUNGARY!? Why the hell are you here?!” – Prussia


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“Look at my soldiers and their mean faces! I taught them that face!” – Prussia


9. Austria Quotes

austria quotes axis powers hetalia

“You moron! Why did you become allied with Italy?” – Austria


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“I shall now express my utter disgust and anger with you through the piano.” – Austria


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“I’ll express how angry I am with this piano.” – Austria


10. Rome Quotes

rome quotes axis powers hetalia

“In Hell, the Germans are policemen, the English are cooks, the French are engineers, the Italians are bankers, and the Swiss are lovers.” – Rome


11. North Italy Quotes

north italy quotes axis powers hetalia

“The other day, I had an extremely disgusting pizza. England made it.” – North Italy


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“I’ll do anything, please don’t hit me.” – North Italy


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“I’m the tomato box fairy!” – North Italy


12. Germany Quotes

germany quotes axis powers hetalia

“Hey! Quit hitting Italy when I’m not around! *England runs away* Get back here! Hit him again, and I’ll shape ya up like a heart!” – Germany


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“Dear diary. Today, Italy was attacked by England and France while I was out.” – Germany


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“One night, I couldn’t sleep well and opened my eyes…to find some strange guy staring at me.” – Germany


13. Japan Quotes

japan quotes axis powers hetalia

“Hello, China from the sundown… I’m Japan from the sunrise…” – Japan


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