Anime Motivation Reaches 1M Fans Every Month Since Early 2020 scaled 1

Anime Motivation Reaches 1M+ Fans Every Month Since Early 2020

Anime Motivation was started in May 2016. With content as early as June 2016.

Back then it was a small site and that changed after getting featured on an Indonesian anime site that same year.

It’s a been a short journey (only 4 years now) but a lot has been achieved in that timeframe.

It was my intention from the beginning after all, that’s why the site has its own unique flavor.


1m+ anime fans

1M+ was the goal for 2020, but that was achieved earlier than expected, just like goals from earlier years.

And when/if you combine all the corners of the internet Anime Motivation reaches, that number becomes 5-8M+.

That includes social media, the website, referrals and more.

And let’s not forget one important thing:


All this is done independently (ANM is an independent site)

Anime News Network, Crunchyroll, or whatever “big” site you can think of… Most are owned by other companies.

Very few are independent.

That’s a fact. I’ll keep it that way as well.

So many end up ruined because of it, if you ask me. As far as Anime Motivation, there’s more to come.

This is just the beginning. I appreciate you being part of it.


The 12+ Best Anime Motivational Videos To Give You An Extra Push

Why I Decided To Get Into The Anime Industry

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