a place further than the universe wallpaper

14 Of The Best Quotes From “A Place Further Than The Universe” That Will Make You Think

A place further than the universe characters quotes by:

  • Shirase Kobuchizawa.
  • Hinata Miyake.
  • Mari Tamaki.
  • Yuzuki Shiraishi.

A Place Further Than The Universe is an adventure/seinen series produced by Madhouse.

Released in January 2018.

If you’re familiar with this adventurous, inspirational series then you’ll love these quotes taken from the 4 main characters!

Each quote will give you something to remember the anime by, relate to, and consider in your own life.

Here they are.


A Place Further Than The Universe Quotes:


Yuzuki Shiraishi Quotes

yuzuki shiraishi quotes

“Proper relationships and groups…you’re basically establishing who you are.” – Yuzuki Shiraishi


Mari Tamaki Quotes

mari tamaki quotes

“Yeah…this is what it is. Like anything could happen. Like I can make anything happen.” – Mari Tamaki


Hinata Miyake Quotes

Hinata Miyake quotes

“When you hit the point of no return, that’s the moment it truly becomes a journey. If you can still turn back, it’s not really a journey.” – Hinata Miyake


Hinata Miyake quotes 1

“Keeping busy is the best way to speed the clock’s hands!” – Hinata Miyake


Hinata Miyake quotes 2

“It’s a thin line between self-assertion and selfishness.” – Hinata Miyake


Hinata Miyake quotes 3

“If you still can’t do it, you’re probably just not putting in the work.” – Hinata Miyake


Hinata Miyake quotes 4

“Sometimes, people are just mean. Don’t fight mean with mean. Hold your head high.” – Hinata Miyake


Hinata Miyake quotes 5

“My current goal is to ace everything and show up everyone who goofs off in high school and fails.” – Hinata Miyake


Hinata Miyake quotes 6

“Academics aren’t like sports – anyone can pick this stuff up if they try.” – Hinata Miyake


Hinata Miyake quotes 7

“Never think the stars you see are all the stars there are.” – Hinata Miyake


Hinata Miyake quotes 8

“To act is not necessarily compassion. True compassion sometimes comes from inaction.” – HInata Miyake


Shirase Kobuchizawa Quotes

Shirase Kobuchizawa quotes

“Just let people say what they want. Wanting to show them up fires me up even more.” – Shirase Kobuchizawa


Shirase Kobuchizawa quotes 1

“They decide it’s impossible. Their friends get them to stop, or they get scared. I think that’s normal.” – Shirase Kobuchizawa


Shirase Kobuchizawa quotes 2

“I’ll go, then rub it in the faces of everyone who said I couldn’t.” – Shirase Kobuchizawa

Featured image source: A Place Further Than The Universe Wallpaper


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